Brad Desnoyer, School of Law
Pricipal Investigator: Brad Desnoyer, associate clinical professor, Robert H. McKinney School of Law
Project Title: Education Law Online Course Build
Funding Level: $5,000
The project is designing an online, 2-credit Education Law course for students enrolled at the IU McKinney School of Law. Education law examines the application of discrete doctrines from constitutional law, federal statutory law, and employment law to the legal problems facing American schools. Students will explore the ways in which the objectives of these discrete legal doctrines either promote or interfere with educational policies. This course will introduce students to the current state of American education policy and address substantive areas of concentration, such as segregation, school funding, employment of teachers, student expression, student Fourth Amendment rights, Title IX, and equal educational opportunities. This course will study how asynchronous online teaching to achieve outcomes in a specialized upper-level professional course. Moreover, it will study, how such as course can use realistic writing assignments to make students ready for practice. Special attention in this course will be paid to students writing about current events, as students explore how education law touches on protections for transgender students, student political discourse, student and teacher use of social media, and de facto segregation in America’s neighborhoods and schools. This particular Education Law course would be designed to incorporate (1) regular low stakes, formative student assessments in the form of online quizzes, (2) online discussions to facilitate policy analysis, (3) real-world client communications to prepare students for practice, and (4) visual media to aid students in understanding the concepts in a real-world context.