Consultations are one of the center's primary services. Consultations with CTL consultants can involve a wide range of topics including course and instructional design, course assessment, inclusive teaching, classroom management, Canvas, teaching with technology, classroom observations of teaching, and gathering mid-semester student feedback.
Consultations are confidential, independent of performance review procedures, and free of charge for faculty and graduate students from IU Indianapolis, IU Columbus, and IU Fort Wayne.
The CTL is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., all year round. Consultations are available Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Please note that CTL consultants are available to meet with faculty at other times by appointment. The CTL encourages you to make an appointment with a consultant to ensure that someone is available to assist you. We can meet with you in person or virtually. Individuals or groups can request consultations either by filling out the form below or calling (317) 274-1300.
Classroom observations conducted by the Center for Teaching and Learning’s instructional design consultants are in high demand. We strive to accommodate as many classroom observation requests as possible. However, our instructional consultation team can accommodate only one classroom observation per faculty member annually. Priority will be given to instructors who:
- Are in their first year of teaching at IU Indianapolis
- Will be seeking promotion
- Have a formal teaching development plan
- Are required by course directors to include classroom observations to facilitate their development and document their teaching
Please sign up early so that we can provide you with an excellent classroom observation experience from start to finish. To request a classroom observation, please complete the form below as early in the semester as possible (or even prior to the start of the semester). We will do our best to accommodate your request.
Thank you for your understanding. If you have questions or concerns, please contact