Proposal Writing Guidelines

Please review the following guidelines before you begin drafting your CEG proposal. If you have any questions about the proposal requirements, please contact the CTL at

  • It is recommended that you prepare your proposal in a Word Document so you can easily copy and paste text from your proposal into the proposal submission text boxes.
  • List of references, biographical sketches of PI and co-PIs, budget worksheet, and support letter should be uploaded as PDF files.
  • When writing your proposal, write in terms likely to be understood by reviewers who are not from your discipline or profession and ensure that the full names of terms or organizations have been used before referring to them by acronyms
  • Refer to exemplars from previously funded projects.
  • Abstract - Since project abstracts will be posted on the CTL website if the project is funded, your abstract should provide comprehensive details about the enhancement and the expected outcomes. Refer to exemplars from previously funded projects.
  • Literature Review - You can use the following resource for developing your literature review:
    • Contact Sara Lowe, Associate Dean for Educational Services, University Library, with questions regarding the literature review at or 317-274-0349. 
  • Project Description
    • For more information on writing SMART goals, refer to this resource guide or schedule a CTL consultation.
    • For developing the project goal related to equity and inclusion, you could use the following resources: 
      • your school’s Diversity Strategic Plan for more information on inclusion and equity in student learning outcomes.
      • Columbia University’s Inclusive Teaching Guide for strategies and reflection questions.
    • Please consult with the CTL if you are unclear about how to develop this section of the proposal.
    • For the assesment metrics in the project description, follow the guidelines below:
      • Metrics for project goals related to student learning outcomes and course experience must include direct and indirect assessment of learning.
      • Metrics for inclusion and equity should focus on the extent to which barriers for inclusion and equity were eliminated as a result of the enhancement.
      • Please consult with the CTL if you’re unclear about how to develop this section of the proposal.
  • For the Dissemination Plan and Project Timeline, refer to exemplars from previously funded projects.

Guidelines for Using Generative AI

As you craft your grant proposal, consider using AI tools to streamline your process and strengthen the proposal. While maintaining the integrity of your work, AI can assist in several ways:

  1. Brainstorming:
    • Ask Copilot to suggest keywords and research related to your project.
    • Explore fresh perspectives by asking AI to review your draft and pose potential complications or missing information.
  1. Editing:
    • Have AI improve the grammar, style, and readability of your draft.
    • Ask AI to catch typos and inconsistencies.
  1. Completeness:
    • Prompt AI to ask questions about your draft to ensure no crucial details are overlooked.

Please note that while we encourage the use of AI to help you with your work, the completed product must reflect your own ideas. Ensuring accuracy remains your responsibility. Should you choose to use AI for completing your grant application, make sure to use Microsoft Copilot and login through your institution. Copilot is the only IU approved AI tool for faculty and staff.

Ensure you log in to Copilot with your IU credentials to maintain data privacy compliance. Note that Copilot is approved for use with data classified as up to and including University-Internal data, but it is not approved for restricted or critical data. Please refer to the Data Classification Matrix if you have questions about how specific data is classified by the university. If you have any question about this policy, please contact the CTL at  

Additional Guidelines for Student Success Track Proposals

  • Enrollment figures for courses can be found in Institutional Analytics’ Headcounts and Hours report by clicking the ‘Course Detail’ tab.
  • Course level DFW rates can be found on Institutional Analytics’ DFW Grade Distribution report by clicking on the ‘Department and Course Rates’ tab. You can drill down to the course level by hovering over the ‘Course Dept’ label above the chart and clicking the plus sign.
  • Schedule a Student Success Consultation with the CTL to discuss your course completion rates and student success
  • Consult with colleagues, your school's UAC representative, and leaders in your school and on campus who are working on this campus priority to get insights and advice on reading and interpreting your DFW data and developing the focus of your proposal.
  • Under the Bugdet section, proposals in this track do not require a school/unit match for funding, but we encourage you to seek additional funding support from your school/unit for increased success and support of the project.