Principal Investigator: Nancy Evans, trustee lecture, Department of Computer Information and Graphics Technology, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI
Co-principal Investigators: Shamima Mithun, lecturer, Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI
Project Title: Computer Information and Graphics Technology
Funding Level: $10,000
This Computer Information Technology (CIT) curriculum development project impacts multiple courses affecting ~765 enrollments in CIT classes per academic year, and will improve the instructional delivery, flow of content and assignments, and student learning for foundational programming courses in the CIT programming curriculum. The project involves aligning our 100, 200, and 300 level programming courses to improve student retention of skills and concepts from the 100 level courses to the 200 level courses which will ultimately help students in their 300 level programming classes as well. The project entails an alignment of the programming learning outcomes per level as well as a redesign of three CIT courses, two of which provide foundational learning for programming students. The redesign in the three courses will use a backward approach of design meaning we will “start with the end in mind” (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005). We will look first at the learning outcomes we want to see in our 400 level programming courses by interviewing course coordinators and programming instructors and then work backwards to what is needed in the 300, 200, and 100 levels. After we have a clear idea of what content needs to be changed at the various levels, we can then proceed to overhauling two foundational (100 level) courses, one of which is a prerequisite to the other, and one of our 200 level programming courses which will be a model for the other two 200 level courses.