Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Monroe, associate professor, School of Liberal Arts, IUPUI
Co-principal Investigator: Kristi Palmer, Librarian and Associate Dean of Digital Scholarship, IUPUI University Library
Project Title: Sharing Digitally Indiana's Unique Territorial Documents
Funding Level: $5,000
This project will introduce 300-level history students to digitized, searchable historic court records written between 1800 and 1816. In this class, in addition to the content on the history of the Early American Republic (standard texts, readings and testing) each student will research and write a term paper using the court records. We are redesigning the course/s to create dynamic “conversations” between students and knowledgeable professionals in research: librarians, archivists, court personnel, and new media experts. Our goals are to site the contents of the court records in the broader history of the era and to and new media experts. Our goals are to site the contents of the court records in the broader history of the era and to encourage the students to venture into a primary “recordscape” of the era through research institutions in Indianapolis and through other primary sources available on the web. We will assess their work in three exercises in addition to the paper: a research source analysis, research journal entries, and an exit survey.