Submission Instructions
- Completed proposals including the letter of support from chair and dean are due by Monday, December 2, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
- Only completed proposals submitted by the due date will be reviewed.
- Please ensure you address all prompts thoroughly in order to be considered for review. Proposals that omit or inadequately respond to prompts will be considered incomplete.
Questions regarding the CEG initiative should be directed to the Center for Teaching and Learning at or (317) 274-1300.
The CEG Proposal will be completed and submitted online.
The sections of the proposal are listed below. Please refer to the Proposal Writing Guidelines before you draft responses for the proposal sections.
Please note that there are additional guidelines provided for the student success track proposals.
Download Word Version to draft your proposal. You can copy paste your responses into the online submission form.
Section 1. Cover Sheet
- Principal Investigator Name
- Position title
- School
- Department
- Project title
- Amount requested
- Co-Principal Investigators (Name, Title, School, Department, Email)
- Other Key Personnel (Name, Title, School, Department, Email)
Section 2. Abstract
Provide a summary of your project. Your summary should describe the proposed course/curriculum enhancement, establish needs for the enhancement, and articulate the intended outcomes on your students’ learning, your program, and your teaching practice. (250 words maximum)
Section 3. Course/Curriculum Analysis
High DFW rates is a complex issue and may arise from various factors, some that are beyond the classroom. The goal of this funding opportunity is to support faculty to reflect critically on their students’ success and implement teaching interventions that are proven to improve DFW rates. We encourage you to have a conversation with a school or department leader, or the CTL to inform the development of your proposal.
- Describe the course(s) or curriculum in the project, including enrollment figures for the past three years. This information can be found in Institutional Analytic’s Headcounts and Hours report by clicking the ‘Course Detail’ tab. (300 words maximum)
- Tabulate DFW data for the past three years. Disaggregate data by ethnicity, gender, and any other variable such as first generation and socio-economic status if they are available for your course. Course level DFW rates can be found on Institutional Analytics DFW Grade Distribution report by clicking on the ‘Department and Course Rates’ tab. You can drill down to the course level by hovering over the ‘Course Dept’ label above the chart and clicking the plus sign. If you are unable to access DFW data for your specific course section, please contact Institutional Analytics to get access using their information request page. Upload your table through an accessible Word or accessible PDF document.
- Briefly answer the following questions:
- What patterns do you see in the data? (150 words maximum)
- Are there specific populations of students disproportionately impacted? If so, which ones? (150 words maximum)
- What could be the possible reasons for these patterns? Supplement your responses with appropriate formal and informal feedback from students and your own experiences teaching the course(s). (300 words maximum)
Section 4. Rationale and Literature Review
- Based on the reasons you have identified in the course/curriculum analysis in section 3, what interventions are you proposing? How do you anticipate these interventions improving DFW rates and your students’ success? (300 words maximum)
- Synthesize relevant literature with citations that support the proposed interventions and intended outcomes in the same way you address existing knowledge in any research project in your discipline. Stress recent and comprehensive literature. Upload an accessible Word or PDF List of References. (350 words maximum, excluding the PDF reference list)
Section 5: Project Description
You will outline your project description using two to three SMART goals, specific assessment metrics and data analysis methods for each goal, and specific activities that you will undertake to achieve each goal.
Draft two to three SMART project goals that will help you realize the course/curriculum enhancement. Your project goals should include intended impact on student learning outcomes, enrollment, success, or other student factors.
One of your SMART goals should address inclusion and equity in the context of your course/curriculum enhancement.
SMART goal 1: State SMART goal
- Explain how it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. (200 words maximum)
- What assessment metrics and data analysis methods will you use to determine if the goal was achieved? Include direct and indirect assessment measures for student learning outcomes and their experiences with inclusion and equity. (300 words maximum)
- Describe specific activities that you and your students will undertake to achieve your SMART goal. (250 words maximum)
SMART goal 2: State SMART goal
- Explain how it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. (200 words maximum)
- What assessment metrics and data analysis methods will you use to determine if the goal was achieved? Include direct and indirect assessment measures for student learning outcomes and their experiences with inclusion and equity. (300 words maximum)
- Describe specific activities that you and your students will undertake to achieve your SMART goal. (250 words maximum)
SMART goal 3: State SMART goal
- Explain how it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. (200 words maximum)
- What assessment metrics and data analysis methods will you use to determine if the goal was achieved? Include direct and indirect assessment measures for student learning outcomes and their experiences with inclusion and equity. (300 words maximum)
- Describe specific activities that you and your students will undertake to achieve your SMART goal. (250 words maximum)
Section 6. Sustainability Plan
Describe a plan for sustainability of the curriculum enhancement beyond CEG project timeline, including references to ongoing professional development, assessment, partnerships, and growth. (300 words maximum)
Section 7. Dissemination Plan
Describe how you will disseminate the findings and/or products from the project within IU Indianapolis, IU Columbus, or IU Fort Wayne, and to the larger academic community. (250 words maximum)
Section 8. Project Timeline
Provide a timeline for your project from May 2025 to June 2026. (500 words maximum)
Your timeline should include:
- start and end dates for your project,
- dates or timeframe during which various SMART goals will be implemented and the expected outcomes, and
- contingencies for foreseeable impediments. In the event of unforeseen impediments, we will request an amended timeline.
Section 9. Budget and Justification
- Download and complete the CEG Budget Excel spreadsheet following the instructions provided in the Proposal Writing Guidelines. You will upload a an accessible Excel spreadsheet or a PDF of the Excel spreadsheet.
- Provide a justification for the budget. Include the following information in your justification. (250 words maximum).
- For each line item on the budget spreadsheet, provide a rationale for including it.
- Describe the specific roles and responsibilities of each individual receiving funding on the project.
- Please note that for the student success track proposals are not required to provide school/unit funding match, but we encourage applicants to seek support from their schools.
Section 10. Biographical Sketch(es) of PI and Co-PIs
Upload a single accessible Word document or accessible PDF of a 1-page bioskecth for each PI and Co-PI, including, for example, educational background, professional experience, recent relevant education-related publications or presentations, other curriculum development projects worked on in the last five years (funded or non-funded).
Note: this is a single upload for all biosketches, so create a single document combining all the required biosketches.
Section 11. AI Disclosure
If you have used generative AI to draft or edit any part of your proposal, please respond to the following questions. Please note that your responses will not negatively impact your proposal reviews. From your responses, we hope to clarify to reviewers the role of generative AI in this proposal and learn more about how faculty use generative AI in their proposal writing process.
- Which sections of the proposal have you developed with generative AI assistance? (150 words maximum)
- In what ways have you used generative AI to prepare your proposal? It could be for idea generation, literature review summary, editing for clarity and conciseness, proofreading for eliminating typos and improving grammatical accuracy, etc. (150 words maximum)
Section 12. Results of Previous CEG Funding
If applicable, briefly describe results of previous CEG funding received from the Center for Teaching and Learning. (250 words maximum)
Section 13. Support Letters
Upload two letters of support – one from the School dean and one from the department chair or program coordinator, both endorsing the value of and support towards the project. The letter writers cannot be members of the project team. You can upload accessible Word documents or accessible PDFs of the two letters.
Ask your letter writers to include the following information:
- Describes how the project addresses the campus priority of reducing DFW rates and contributes to the school/department’s response to it
- Addresses the suitability of the faculty member or team to implement the project
- Describes how the change will be sustained
- Optional, but strongly encouraged: Confirms additional funding from the school/department in supporting the project’s success