IU Indianapolis TA Orientation


Join us for the 2024 IU Indianapolis TA Orientation! 

Calling all new teaching assistants! (Or current TAs who want to brush up on fundamentals) 

TA Orientation (both the in-person event and the online Canvas course) is required for all first-time TAs. For more information, please see the FAQs.

At the TA Orientation, you will… 

  • Learn about the expectations and responsibilities associated with your specific teaching role in an online and face-to-face class. 

  • Develop strategies to confidently and effectively interact with faculty and undergraduate students. 

  • Meet and build relationships with other new and experienced TAs at IU Indianapolis 

  • Integrate inclusive and equitable practices throughout your TA experiences. 

  • Identify campus resources that can provide both you and your students with educational and personal assistance. 

The 2024 TA Orientation will consist of an in-person Event and an online Canvas course. You must attend both the in-person session and complete the online modules in order to successfully complete the TA orientation. 

2024 TA Orientation

Event Details & Registration

The in-person event, led by experienced TAs, CTL staff, and faculty members, features a combination of whole group sessions that focus on strategies for creating inclusive learning environments and breakout sessions which address topics and challenges specific to primary instructors, recitation leaders, lab instructors, and graders. 

The online Canvas Course introduces graduate students to policies, procedures, and campus resources relevant to their teaching roles. The course also features additional modules on using the university library and being an international TA. 

The in-person event will be held on Thursday, August 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and includes lunch for participants. The Online Canvas Course will open on August 2nd, with its modules available for completion until August 31st.

Register for TA Orientation