Emerging Scholars of College Instruction

Any IU Indianapolis graduate student who will graduate after December of the following year and is currently in a teaching role or will have future teaching opportunities (as a primary instructor, lab instructor, grader, classroom assistant, managing office hours and recitations, or giving guest lectures) can apply for the ESCIP. You must also have approval from your advisor to participate.

Due to the Fall 2024 separation of Indiana University and Purdue University and the ESCIP program cycle which ends in December 2024, only applications from students enrolled in Indiana University schools represented at IU Indianapolis, IU Columbus, and IU Fort Wayne will be considered.


  • Develop and practice disciplinary inclusive and evidence-based teaching strategies that foster your students' learning.
  • Critically and continuously, reflect on your teaching skills and its impact on your students' learning.
  • Construct a teaching philosophy statement that demonstrates awareness and understanding of:
    • purposeful integration of technology
    • inclusive teaching
    • evidence-based teaching practice
  • Create the foundational components of your teaching portfolio in preparation for an academic job search.

Throughout the program, we will discuss the following topics:Backwards course, design and lesson planning, assessment, active and inclusive learning, learning technologies, syllabus design, and teaching philosophy.

  • Semester One (Spring)
    • You will explore the foundational teaching principles. Our meetings will be synchronous (face-to-face or on Zoom), and we will determine meeting times based on participants’ availability.
  • Semester Two (Summer)
    • You will complete asynchronous Canvas modules on a variety of topics. No face-to-face or Zoom meetings will be required; however, you must be available to participate actively online throughout the semester.
  • Semester Three (Fall)
    • In addition to regular meetings, you will receive a formal teaching evaluation by the CTL and deliver a teaching demonstration. Our meetings will be synchronous (face-to-face or on Zoom), and we will determine meeting times based on participants’ availability.


Participation opened my eyes to a whole new world of how to teach better and structure my teaching so that it is most beneficial to the students. I now think more about how what I am teaching will impact the students in the bigger world, especially when asking for them to complete assignments.  

-2017 ESCIP Participant

The Emerging Scholars of College Instruction program is not remedial; it is intended to provide IU Indianapolis graduate teaching assistants with a solid foundation for a successful teaching career after graduation. The program is also intended primarily for doctoral students, but master’s students may apply if they can fit program requirements into their degree timeline. New program cohorts begin each spring semester with a welcome meeting in early January. 

For more information about the ESCIP, contact the Center for Teaching and Learning at iuictl@iu.edu or 317-274-1300.