Applications for the 2025 cohort are now closed. Applications for the 2026 cohort will open November 2025.
CTL consultants will review the applications and admit a maximum of only ten new cohort members based on their likelihood to complete the program within the specified time frame (3 semesters) and their interest in a career in university teaching. Successful applicants will be notified in January.
Eligibility: Due to the Fall 2024 separation of Indiana University and Purdue University, only applications from students enrolled in Indiana University schools represented at IU Indianapolis, IU Columbus, and IU Fort Wayne will be considered.
Purpose of the application materials
We want to learn about your motivation for applying to the program, your career aspirations, and your previous experiences as a student and instructor. The application materials, particularly the letter of interest, give you the opportunity to tell us how much you have thought about your experiences as a student, what it’s like to be a teacher, and what you think makes a good teacher. We also want to make sure that you will have an opportunity to teach or that you will be able to seek one out.
What application materials are required
- The application form
- An up-to-date CV or resume
- A letter of interest (400 - 500 words). Your letter of interest should address the following questions:
- Why are you interested in applying for the program?
- What specific skills and knowledge do you hope to gain?
- How will this program help you achieve your career goals?
- What previous teaching experiences have you had? These can be formal experiences, such as a teaching assistant, grader, or primary instructor. If you have not taught formally, what informal teaching experiences, such as mentoring or tutoring, have you had?
- If you have had formal or informal teaching experiences, describe how you teach (e.g., how do you prepare to teach a class, what activities do you use, how do you interact with learners, and how do you know if your teaching was effective?).
- What opportunities will you have to teach at IU Indianapolis? Your classes will be observed during the program, so include opportunities such as teaching assistantships, adjunct instructor positions, or guest lecturing opportunities.
- How would you define excellence in teaching? What factors have influenced your definition?
- A letter of support from your advisor - Your advisor will receive an email directly from the CTL requesting their endorsement and letter. Please inform your advisor about this request well in advance. The letter will need to clearly indicate their support of your engagement with the program.
AI Statement: Please note that we expect applicants to write the letter of interest without the help of AI tools such as ChatGPT. If you do use such tools, we ask that you include a statement in the letter as to how and why these tools were used.