Digital Storytelling: An Introduction to the Pedagogy
Digital storytelling is a pedagogical strategy that uses innovative techniques to facilitate the reflection process and promote learning. When students create a digital story, they engage in a reflection process that allows them to demonstrate their learning through words, visuals, and sound. This process results in deep learning, fosters critical thinking, integration of knowledge, and reflective thinking. Constructing a digital story inspires students to dig deeper into their subject, to think more complexly about it, and to communicate what they have learned in a creative way. Participants will understand the implications of this pedagogical strategy for teaching and learning and how to integrate digital storytelling into courses or programs.
Individual appointments are available for assistance from consultants related to:
- Developing instructions for an assignment or editing an existing assignment designed for a digital story as the final product
- Creating effective reflection prompts connected to identified course outcomes
- Mapping out the course agenda allowing students realistic time for creating a digital story in a given semester
- Consider strategies for evaluating the student products (e.g., rubric design)
These consultations will be available during the following time frames. See the Individual Consultations event to register.
For those of you participating from a distance, we can provide consultations during these time periods via Adobe Connect with advance notice.
Additionally, participants will have the option to attend a hands-on session on December 11, 2013 from 10am-2:30pm. The purpose of this session is to experience creating a digital story, reflect on the process and the implications for your teaching and your students, and practice assessing digital stories.
ETTA Check-in: The Art of Grading
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 | UL 1126 | 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Register» | Organizer and Presenter: Lauren Easterling
ETTA Check-ins are a series of sessions geared toward specific topics relevant to the classroom as well as bringing together TAs from across the campus. Each session starts with a short presentation on a topic of interest followed by time for discussion and trouble-shooting. In this session, we will discuss grading strategies and practices including logistics, grading tools, communication about grading and more. We will also look at ways to monitor – with or without grades – whether or not students are “getting it”.
Developing CEG Proposals
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 | Campus Center 306 | 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Register» | Organizers and Presenters: Terri Tarr and Pratibha Varma-Nelson
Tuesday, December 3, 2013 | Campus Center 306 | 11:30 - 1 p.m. Register» | Organizers and Presenters: Terri Tarr and Pratibha Varma-Nelson
This session is designed for faculty members who are interested in applying for a 2014 Curriculum Enhancement Grant (CEG) and have questions about developing the proposal or about the three tracks available - the General, Special Focus in Support of IU Online, and the Intergroup Dialogue Initiative tracks. Information about the CEG initiative, proposal guidelines, how to write the proposal, and each of the tracks will be provided along with time for discussion and questions.
The CEG initiative is designed to provide faculty with support, time, and resources to implement projects to improve student learning and success at IUPUI and IUPU Columbus. In addition, it is expected that the grants will increase faculty competitiveness for external educational or curricular improvement grants and increase the number of faculty involved in pursuing the scholarship of teaching and learning. Individual faculty members can apply for up to $5,000. Teams of three or more faculty working on three or more courses can apply for a maximum of $15,000 per proposal. The grants are open to IUPUI and IUPU Columbus full-time faculty. See the 2014 Curriculum Enhancement Grant (CEG) Request for Proposals for more information. The deadline for proposal submissions is Friday, January 17, 2014. See the 2014 CEG Request for Proposals for more information.
Designing ePortfolios
Friday, November 22, 2013 | UL 0106 | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Register» | Organizer: Amy Powell and Presenters: Lynn Ward, Mark Alexander
Most electronic portfolio platforms, including cloud-based public platforms, provide a selection of general templates to help users produce simple, attractive web sites with few or no programming skills. Some, including the Oncourse Presentations tool, provide an option to “build your own” site. In either case, those preparing ePortfolios can benefit from understanding elementary principles of good web design so that their work is legible, accessible, and simple to navigate. Even students who are technology-literate may need guidance about formats appropriate for different professional contexts. In this workshop, you’ll learn about core design principles to help students enhance the appearance of their ePortfolios. During the hands-on portion of the workshop, you will apply these principles to build your own visual theme in Oncourse Presentations. Presenters will be Lynn Ward, Principal Systems Analyst with UITS, and Mark Alexander, Instructional Technology Consultant with the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Advancing Learning with Technology Symposium
Proposal Deadline Extended to Wednesday, December 18, 2013 | Click here»
The IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is accepting proposals for the 2014 Advancing Learning with Technology Symposium (ALT) which will take place on Friday, February 28, 2014 from 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in University Library. We hope you will consider submitting a proposal, and we encourage you to share this invitation and information with your colleagues. The deadline has been extended to Wednesday, December 18, 2013.
The ALT Symposium brings the higher education community together to examine and showcase instructional technology strategies that impact learning across a variety of disciplines. The program will include 50-minute breakout sessions as well as a virtual keynote address by Kevin Warbach of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Possible formats include panel and roundtable discussions, lecture-discussion, interactive workshops and poster presentations. Proposals that include graduate students or involve student presenters are welcome.
2014 E.C. Moore Symposium on Excellence in Teaching
Proposals Due Friday, November 22, 2013 | Click here»
The IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) is accepting both traditional (interactive, snapshot and poster sessions) and "Ignite" session proposals for the 2014 Edward C. Moore Symposium on Excellence in Teaching. The deadline for proposal submissions is Friday, November 22, 2013.
Curriculum Enhancement Grant Call for Proposals Now Available
Proposals Due Friday, January 17, 2014 | Click here»
The Curriculum Enhancement Grant (CEG) initiative is designed to provide faculty with support, time, and resources to implement projects designed to improve student learning and success at IUPUI and IUPU Columbus. In addition, it is expected that the grants will increase faculty competitiveness for external educational or curricular improvement grants and increase the number of faculty involved in pursuing the scholarship of teaching and learning. CEG funds will be used to support projects in three tracks: General Track, Special Focus in Support of IU Online Track, and the Intergroup Dialogue Initiative Track. Individual faculty members can apply for up to $5,000. Teams of three or more faculty working on three or more courses can apply for a maximum of $15,000 per proposal. The grants are open to IUPUI and IUPU Columbus full-time faculty. See the 2014 Curriculum Enhancement Grant (CEG) Request for Proposals for more information.
The deadline for proposal submissions is Friday, January 17, 2014.
The CEG initiative is designed to provide faculty with support, time, and resources to implement projects to improve student learning and success at IUPUI and IUPU Columbus. In addition, it is expected that the grants will increase faculty competitiveness for external educational or curricular improvement grants and increase the number of faculty involved in pursuing the scholarship of teaching and learning. Individual faculty members can apply for up to $5,000. Teams of three or more faculty working on three or more courses can apply for a maximum of $15,000 per proposal. The grants are open to IUPUI and IUPU Columbus full-time faculty. See the 2014 Curriculum Enhancement Grant (CEG) Request for Proposals for more information.