Maria Brann, School of Liberal Arts
Principal Investigator: Maria Brann, professor, Department of Communication Studies, School Liberal Arts
Co-principal Investigators: Krista Hoffmann-Longtin, assistant professor, Department of Communication Studies, School of Liberal Arts, and Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, School of Medicine
Project Title: Preparing Graduate Students to Succeed in Graduate School and Beyond: Creating Proseminars in Graduate Education and Pedagogy
Funding Level: $10,000
Academic and professional success and satisfaction have been correlated with knowledge and socialization practices. Unfortunately, graduate students in the Department of Communication Studies lack explicit socialization into the field. This affects not only their time as graduate students but also as professionals in their careers, especially in academe. To prepare students to be successful in their graduate studies, effective departmental citizens, productive scholars, and excellent educators, we are proposing two important graduate courses to be developed and offered in Fall 2019: Proseminar in Graduate Studies and Proseminar in Pedagogy. These courses will be developed based on Weidman and colleagues (2001) integrated stages and core elements of graduate student socialization, helping our students to develop integrated identities as teachers and scholars, within the culture of our discipline.