Veto Ray, School of Engineering and Technology
Principal Investigator: Veto Ray, senior lecturer, Department of Engineering and Technology, School of Engineering and Technology
Project Title: Developing Course Material and Improved Methodology for Online Delivery of the Facilities Management Technology Program Curriculum
Funding Level: $5,000
With the increasing trend for programs to offer some if not all course material online, developing a methodology and pedagogical strategy for online delivery of course material is critical to the success of the course and the program. The Facility Management Technology graduate program (FMT) was developed as a 100% online degree program beginning in 2006. All FMT courses were developed based on individual faculty interpretation of acceptable online delivery practices at that time. After extensive review of the programs curriculum, pedagogical strategy and tools used in the delivery of course content, in comparison to other online courses and tools offered at Indiana University as well as other institutes, it has been determined that there is a lack of consistency in courses which make up the core of the program and that a standard of pracĕce (SOP) for course delivery needs to be developed based on available best practices and technology. This grant proposal seeks to dedicate faculty and technical resources to create and update course content in regards to “IET 53000 Facilities Contract Management” and the development of an SOP which would include standardized framework/template for deployment as well as best pedagogical practices for the online delivery of courses that reside within the current FMT plan of study to be used to redevelop existing courses and provide a framework for developing new courses.