Mamunur Rashid and Henry A. Hernandez, School of Science
Principal Investigator: Mamunur Rashid, Director of Statistics Consulting Center and Lecturer, Department of Mathematical Sciences, School of Science
Co-principal Investigator: Henry A. Hernandez, Lecturer, Department of Mathematical Sciences, School of Science
Project Title: Creating Online Statistics Courses: STAT 11300 "Statistics and Society", and STAT 30100 "Elementary Statistical Methods"
Funding Level: $8,687
Huge advances in instructional technology have taken place in the last decade. Currently over 4 million students are enrolled in online schools and universities and the number is growing at the rate of about 30% per year (The Best Colleges, 2013). Elementary statistics courses that require the examination of large data sets have become more and more dependent upon web-based resources. The Department of Mathematical Sciences is committed to using the most advanced technological tools to present STAT 11300 and STAT 30100 course contents through the worldwide web. However, it is also an integral part of the Department’s mission to maintain a high quality of instruction and to promote a deep understanding and learning of the statistical concepts at the core of these two courses. This CEG project will provide online formats of the two statistics courses mentioned above while maintaining the high level of student learning that occurs in the face‐to‐face sections of the course. Particular attention will be paid to assessment and evaluation of the course to maintain the fullest integrity possible along with the highest standards of teaching and learning. The online versions of the two courses will satisfy degree requirements for Purdue Schools and IU Schools on the campus at IUPUI. Finally, the results of the project will be disseminated locally and regionally and will hopefully provide the impetus for further online course offerings as part of the larger IU Online initiative.