The first round of projects are well underway and involve over 40 IUPUI and IUPUC faculty. Select awardee(s) below to view abstract (***Note: funding amounts listed in abstracts do not include departmental/school match or other funding sources***):
- Jeffrey Platt, Lisa Willis, Paul Reifeis, Fidel Barbosa, Michele Kirkup, Edward DeSchepper, and David Brown, School of Dentistry
- Laura Romito and Lorie Coan, School of Dentistry; and Joe Defazio, School of Informatics
- Nancy Chism and Megan Palmer, School of Education
- Nancy Evans, Rob Elliot, Jerome Clark, and Joy Starks, School of Engineering and Technology
- Hadi Kharrazi, School of Informatics
- Debra Denslaw, Miriam Murphy, and Steven Miller, School of Law
- Jennifer Cochrane, School of Liberal Arts
- Estela Ene, School of Liberal Arts
- Judi Izuka-Campbell and Emily Beckman, School of Liberal Arts
- Victoria Rogers, School of Liberal Arts
- Susan McLennon and Barbara Friesth, School of Nursing
- Suosheng Wang, School of Physical Education and Tourism Management
- Ryan Denton and Rob Minto, School of Science
- Brian Woodahl and John Ross, School of Science
- Lynn Duggan, Marquita Walker, and Joseph Varga, School of Social Work