Drs. Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy will offer two workshops on inclusive teaching on Tuesday, January 28, at Madame Walker. These sessions will highlight the need for high course structure and model techniques designed to elicit equity in the classroom.
Extend the conversation by participating in a spring semester Campus Read of Hogan and Sathy’s book, Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom, which offers practical, evidence-based strategies for creating equitable learning environments that support the success of all students.
Featured Program
Early Career Teaching Academy Applications Due Jan 22
Are you in your first three years of teaching at IU Indianapolis, IU Columbus, or IU Fort Wayne? Network and build community with peers from across campus to deepen your teaching practice, improve student learning, and document your teaching for promotion, scholarship, and more.
Featured Resource
Start of Semester Canvas Checklist
This Pressbook for faculty provides an overview and instructions for common tasks that need to be completed at the beginning of a semester to get your Canvas course ready for your students – uploading your syllabus, organizing your course into modules, setting up your gradebook, and more.
Syllabus Review Guide
Ryan, K., Boucher, K., Logel, C., & Murphy, M. (2022). Syllabus Review Guide. College Transition Collaborative.
Have you been updating your syllabus for the spring semester? Are you looking for inspiration and guidance? Conducting a syllabus review can help! By ensuring that the messages, policies, and practices included in your syllabi communicate a growth mindset about student potential, and promote a sense of belonging, you have a powerful opportunity to support student achievement, foster well-being, and contribute to equity in education.
NEW! Online Workshops on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
How do you ask and answer questions about your students’ learning and what makes it better? Sign up for our three new online workshops on different aspects of SoTL - what it is and how you can engage it in it.
Spring 2025 Inclusive Teaching Toolbox Series
Ready to turn challenging classroom discussions into powerful learning experiences? Join our “Navigating Difficult Dialogues in Your Course” webinar series to explore strategies that transform difficult conversations into growth opportunities and confidently manage “hot” moments in the classroom.
Register for the webinars.
CTL Workshops and Webinars
Wednesday, January 29 | 12 noon - 1 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Boyun Kim and Presenter: Boyun Kim and Teresa Sosa
Join us for an engaging one-hour webinar designed to deepen your understanding of positionality statements and their application in classrooms. Understanding your own positionality and communicating it to students helps create a safe learning environment and productive discussions. The webinar will cover the importance of positionality statements and guide participants through understanding their own positionality and its impact in the classroom. We will guide you through the initial process of creating a positionality statement, as well as how to apply it in your teaching. Practical examples will be provided to illustrate these concepts.
Tuesday, February 4 | 1 - 1:45 p.m. | Online - Zoom | Organizer: Jeani Young and Presenter: Jeani Young
Are you looking for an easier way to manage your student handbook, reports, or other publicly shared documentation in an accessible format? Have you ever been frustrated with your textbook or lab manual options and thought “I could do better than this!”? Would you like your students to co-author a book on your course topics or create sharable review materials?
Pressbooks is a customizable, collaborative online publishing tool that anyone at IU can use to author and share
- Textbooks,
- Lab manuals,
- Reports,
- Student handbooks, and
- Student work
Pressbooks is built on WordPress, a popular blogging tool, that allows you to not only write text, but embed images, videos, complex tables, mathematical notation, documents, and glossary terms. It was developed to be accessible for readers, avoiding many of the pitfalls of PDFs and Word documents. You can also control the visibility of everything in your book and the roles of any collaborators.
Join us for a demo of Pressbook features and learn about some of the ways your colleagues are using it here at IU!
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Instructional Technology (IT)
Getting Started with IU eTexts: Teaching with Engage
Engage 2.0 is the IU’s university-standard e-reader. Join this webinar for a guided tour of the Engage interface, learn about its many features, and get resources to support your success with your IU eText. Multiple dates available!
Register for a session: 11 – 11:30 a.m., 2 – 3:30 p.m., or 7 – 7:30 p.m.
2025 Midwest SoTL Conference: Call for Proposals
Call for proposals for the 2025 Midwest SoTL Conference are open! The conference will be held in person on April 11, 2025. The conference theme is Care, Kindness, and Creativity. Proposals are due by February 2, 2025. See the flyer or the conference website for details.
Innovate Awards Call for Applications
The application for Innovate Awards is now open through February 9, 2025. Anyone with responsibility of teaching an undergraduate or graduate class at an IU campus or FACET Fort Wayne, regardless of status or rank, is eligible to apply. Applicants are not restricted to FACET members. View the categories and apply.
PRAC Grant Proposals Due February 17
Faculty can receive support of up to $5,000 for grant proposals that promise innovative, inclusive, and transformative approaches and improved practice in assessment and/or program review. Learn more and submit a proposal.