Indiana University's 2030 strategic plan aims to reduce DFW rates at all campuses to improve student success. Offered over four half-days in early August, the Institute seeks to equip instructors with knowledge and practical skills to refine existing courses using learning-centered, equitable, and inclusive design principles.
Space is limited; priority will be given to individual instructors and small groups of instructors who are teaching 100- and 200-level courses with high total annual enrollments, multiple sections, and where the most recent DFW rate is 25% or more.
Featured Webinar
Last Chance: Making Sense of Your Student Course Evaluations Webinar is Tomorrow from 1-2 p.m.
Whether you're new to teaching or you've been teaching for years, you probably have mixed emotions when it comes to reading your end-of-semester course evaluations. In this interactive webinar, you will receive support and guidance for making sense of your spring student evaluations of teaching.
Featured Program
IU Teaching Resources
In addition to the support provided by the CTL here at IU Indianapolis, we have curated a single "one-stop" webpage that offers a variety of resources for teaching that is available for all IU instructors. The IU Teaching Resources page has a variety of resources on teaching and learning for all instructors.
Instructors As Innovators: A Future-Focused Approach To New AI Learning Opportunities, With Prompt
Mollick, E. R., & Mollick, L. (2024). Instructors as Innovators: a Future-focused Approach to New AI Learning Opportunities, With Prompts. Social Science Research Network.
Looking for ways to incorporate generative AI in your classroom in ways that enhance rather than circumvent learning? Mollick and Mollick offer detailed tips on prompt creation and GenAI classroom implementation for instructors hoping to utilize these tools and ethical and meaningful ways.
Attend the Adobe Education Summer Institute for Free!
All IU faculty and staff are welcome to attend the summer Adobe Education Institute, a no-cost, online conference taking place June 10-14. Register for the sessions that best fit your needs and schedule and be sure to invite colleagues to join you! Through a series of live, hands-on training sessions, you'll discover ways to deepen student engagement and foster multi-modal teaching using Adobe technology.
For more topic details and to register, visit the Adobe Education Institute website.
2024 Associate Faculty Welcome - August 19 and 28
The Associate Faculty Welcome held by the Center for Teaching and Learning is an annual welcome for associate faculty. Join us if you hold an appointment as part-time faculty at IU Columbus, IU Fort Wayne, or at IU Indianapolis. Meet colleagues over engaging conversation, meet staff who support your teaching, and listen in on short teaching presentations to help you prepare for the semester! All part-time faculty, adjunct faculty and those in teaching positions are welcome. Virtual and in-person options are available.
Learn more and register.
Registration Open: In-person TA Orientation on Thursday, August 22
TA Orientation 2024 registration is now open! All first-time TAs (primary instructors, lab leaders, recitation leaders, and graders) are required to participate. We also invite those with TAing experiences to brush up on teaching skills and meet other TAs.
CTL Workshops and Webinars
Monday, July 29 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and Wednesday, July 31 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT | Faculty Crossing - UL 1125M Register » Organizer: Douglas Jerolimov and Presenter: Douglas Jerolimov
Want to learn how to make (or improve) a great online or hybrid course? Then join us for a two-day introduction to the Quality Matters (QM) Rubric and to the QM quality assurance process, on Monday July 29 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and Wednesday July 31 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. QM is the world’s leading quality assurance organization for online and hybrid course design, and you’ll apply QM’s recently updated Rubric to an actual online course! Completion of the workshop is a step toward becoming a certified Quality Matters peer reviewer. Attendees must bring their own laptops and power supplies. Lunch will be provided at the first session!
Registering for this event will automatically register you for both sessions.