Registration is now open for the Plater-Moore Conference on Teaching and Learning, scheduled for Friday, April 5, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the IUPUI Campus Center.
More than 18 peer-reviewed concurrent sessions, in a variety of engaging formats, seek to disseminate best practices and innovation in teaching and learning within higher education.
Secure your spot today for this day of learning, networking, and professional development that is free for IU instructors, staff, and graduate student instructors from all academic units.
Keynote Speaker
Jeff Duncan-Andrade, a leading national expert in effective teaching practices and educational equity, will offer this year’s keynote presentation. Drawing from more than 30 years of teaching and research, Duncan-Andrade's keynote will help us consider how teaching cultures have the power to foster wellness, confidence, and academic success among all learners.
Join us as we seek to advance our shared commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Spring CTL Reading Groups
You are invited to join a reading group featuring Jeff Duncan-Andrade's “Equality or Equity: Toward a Model of Community-Responsive Education”.
The reading groups (one online, one in-person) will meet once a month starting in January and end prior to the Plater-Moore Conference, where Duncan-Andrade is the keynote speaker.
Space is limited; participants will receive a hard copy of the book.
Can we improve grading by collaborating with students?
Whysel, B. (2022, Dec 7). Can we improve grading by collaborating with students? Faculty Focus.
Slogging through final grading? Consider trying something different for the spring semester - collaborative grading. In this article, the author experiments with collaborative grading, where students become active participants in the assessment process. They saw both fairer grades and also a boost in student motivation and self-reflection.
Conversation with Chairs and Deans on December 15
Have you ever wondered how you can best provide guidance for instructors as they prepare dossiers for teaching awards and some advancement cases?
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) invites chairs and deans to join us for a conversation and working session that will focus on supporting instructors in documenting teaching successes and building teaching dossiers. Presenters Richard Turner and Maggie Gilchrist will share a new resource aimed at making the development of teaching award and advancement cases more approachable and efficient. Attendees will provide feedback on the resource and leave with a plan for supporting instructors as they prepare their teaching dossiers.
Register now to secure your spot as seating is limited. Additionally, please note that lunch will be provided.
Register now
The IUPUI Equity Champions Program – Applications due December 12
Full-time and part-time faculty who are teaching at least one course at IUPUI in Spring 2024 are welcome and encouraged to apply. Faculty teaching General Education and/or Gateway courses are specially invited to apply. Participants will receive a stipend of $300 for completing the program.
For more information, requirements and to apply for the program.
Extended Reality Initiative (XRI) Faculty Fellows Grant
The Extended Reality Initiative (XRI) Faculty Fellows Grant provides faculty with technical and instructional support and funds to implement Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR) assignments/projects/activities into their course(s) that are designed to improve student learning and success at IU. Proposal submission is now open! Proposals due Friday, January 19, 2024.
Learn more about the initiative and submit a proposal!
Apply to the Early Career Teaching Academy (ECTA)
Are you in the first three years of your full-time appointment and interested in developing a teaching career and teaching identity that’s learning-centered, evidence-based, and equity-focused? Apply to the Early Career Teaching Academy to lay a foundation for a powerful and well-documented teaching career that addresses the teaching goals of departments and learning goals of students.
Applications due Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Learn more and apply
Curriculum Enhancement Grant – Request for Proposals
The 2024 Curriculum Enhancement Grant (CEG) Request for Proposals is now open! Faculty from IUPUI, IUPUC, and IU Fort Wayne are invited to submit a proposal to enhance their course/curricula for inclusive and equitable student learning experiences using innovative pedagogies and technology, including the high-impact practice of ePortfolios.
Proposals due by January 31, 2024.
Read RFP and learn more
Inclusive Teaching Toolbox – Spring 2024 Edition
Imagine a classroom where every student feels valued, engaged, and is ready to learn and grow! How can you make this happen? Join us for a series of four interactive webinars to gain practical insights and innovative strategies and engage with a community of educators.
Attend all four webinars and complete a final reflection to earn a letter of completion that highlights your commitment to inclusive and equitable teaching and learning.
Register for the webinars
CTL Workshops and Webinars
Thursday, December 7 | 9 - 10:30 a.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Kevin Mickey and Presenters: The Polis Center and the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and and Engineering
This webinar showcases a range of powerful desktop and online mapping and spatial analysis tools, data, and other resources designed to enhance higher education teaching, service, and research activities. These resources are versatile and applicable across numerous disciplines, including health, public safety, public policy, economics, history, archaeology, geography, planning, informatics, and more.
A key feature of the webinar is SAVI, an online platform offering free interactive mapping and analysis tools, downloadable databases, reports, and data literacy workshops. SAVI provides access to thousands of data variables detailing the socio-economic characteristics of Indiana communities over multiple decades. Data themes include demographic trends, social determinants of health, social services, crime, education, and more. The webinar will also present examples of how SAVI resources have been utilized to support university research and teaching.
Additionally, the webinar introduces ArcGIS Online, a tool for creating customized, interactive maps and dashboards that can enrich course content and support research. Participants will also learn about the extensive array of Indiana demographic and environmental geospatial data resources and training available to faculty and students.
IU Southeast SoTL Conference: Call for Proposals
The Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence (ILTE) are currently accepting proposals for the 7th annual Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference and 28th Annual FACET Spring Teaching-Learning Symposium. The ILTE is excited to announce that this year's SoTL Conference will be co-sponsored by FACET. The conference takes place Friday, February 2, 2024, at Indiana University Southeast via Zoom.
Proposals due November 27, at 11:59 p.m. Questions should be directed to seilte@ius.edu or 812-941-2506.
Book a Virtual Instructional Design Consultation!
The Instructional Design (ID) Clinic is staffed with experts who can help you level up your online teaching! You can schedule a virtual meeting to review your course and share ideas and how-to’s. Pick one (or several) 30-, 45- or 60-minute time slots from our calendar, and we’ll see you online. The clinic is open 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays and noon to 8 p.m. on weekends (EST). The ID Clinic is a service of IU Online and UITS eLearning Design & Services.
2024 Midwest Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
The 2024 Midwest SoTL Conference will be held in person on April 12, 2024. The conference theme is Teaching Everyone Everywhere and the keynote speaker will be Peter Felten, who has published seven books about undergraduate education, including Connections are Everything: A College Student’s Guide to Relationship-Rich Education.
Conference organizers are accepting proposals that describe empirical studies of SoTL, theoretical discussions of SoTL, descriptions of best practice of teaching, and interactive workshops on implementing best practice. Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Thursday, February 1, 2024. See the flyer or the conference website for details.
2024 Spring Teach Talks
The Faculty Crossing presents 2024 Spring Teach Talks with visual artist and educator, Asli Narin. Asli is this year’s Herron Faculty Teaching Resident. Her Teach Talks will focus on how creating photobooks teaches conceptual thinking, visual literacy, curation, and design skills.
Teach Talk (Zoom): Wednesday January 31, 12 noon – 1 p.m.
Teach Talk (In-Person): Wednesday, February 14, 12 noon – 1 p.m.
2024 Provost Faculty Summit
Ball State University's Division of Online and Strategic Learning, Office of Inclusive Excellence, and Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs are pleased to announce the 2024 Provost Faculty Summit: Minding the Equity Gap taking place virtually February 15 and 16, 2024.
The summit will showcase the meaningful and inclusive work of faculty, staff, and students across the Midwest region. We invite you to share your teaching practices, especially as they relate to meaningful and inclusive learning experiences for learners. The program committee is accepting proposals for individual paper presentations and panel sessions.
Review the proposal submission guide and submit your proposal at the Provost Faculty Summit webpage.
Proposals are due December 20, 2023.