Need guidance on AI statements for your syllabi? Looking for alternative approaches to addressing and/or integrating Generative AI and ChatGPT in the classroom? This webinar, led by Dr. Justin Hodgson (IUB), will focus on shifting from policy (and policing) to practice, offering an ethics of practice for Generative AI in the classroom and feature varying models for crafting syllabi statements.
Featured Webinar
Using Rubrics to Enhance Equity in Learning
Rubrics are a popular tool for grading student work, but did you know they can also be used to make learning more equitable? Join us as we evaluate a sample rubric for inclusion and equity, identify changes to improve equity, and reflect on how rubrics can be used to help students become more active participants in their own learning.
Featured Resource
Speed Dating with Learning Technologies (New Faculty)
UITS Learning Technologies invites all new faculty to explore some of the various IU technology options that are available to them. Speed Dating with Learning Technologies is exactly what it sounds like—a matchmaking event that encourages participants to "date" a range of potential tools and services, gaining exposure to a lot of resources within a short period of time.
4 Steps to Help You Plan for ChatGPT in Your Classroom
Darby, F. (2023, June 27). 4 Steps to Help You Plan for ChatGPT in Your Classroom. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
As Flower Darby, an expert in technology-enabled teaching notes, “It’s hard to know how to proceed with teaching in an AI world.” But, learning how to utilize AI tools in your teaching can benefit your students. In this short advice piece, Darby offers some practical tips for navigating the complexities of AI integration into instruction.
Calling all IUPUI Instructors
The Center for Teaching and Learning cordially invites you to join us as we kick off the fall semester. Learn more about what the CTL is planning for the year ahead and join us as we recognize and celebrate our faculty partners who make our mission possible. Tour our new all-in-one media production suite and reconnect with CTL staff and faculty colleagues! Mark your calendar for September 7, 3-5 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.
Learn more and register for the Faculty Welcome and Recognition Reception.
IUPUI TA Orientation (In-Person)
The Center for Teaching and Learning and the Graduate Office will offer in-person training on Thursday, August 17, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Campus Center (Fourth Floor). The TA Orientation is designed to provide first-time graduate student teaching assistants with basic tools and strategies to successfully start their teaching responsibilities at IUPUI. As always, registration for the orientation is free.
Learn more and register.
CTL Workshops and Webinars
Thursday, August 10 | 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. | UL 1125 University Library Register » Organizer: Douglas Jerolimov and Presenters: Douglas Jerolimov and Kimmaree Murday
The Associate Faculty Welcome is IUPUI's in-person annual welcome for new and recently-hired associate faculty (aka adjunct faculty, part-time faculty).
Join us at IUPUI (in-person) if you hold an appointment as part-time faculty at IUPU Columbus, IU Fort Wayne, or at IUPUI.
The event features
- Fast-paced and informative "Lightning Talks" (15-minute talks) about Syllabus Design, Getting to Know Our Students, Technologies of Engagement, Learning Objectives, Active Learning, and Inclusive Teaching
- Resource Fair and Door Prizes: Offices and centers who support teaching faculty are sending representatives to explain how they help part-time faculty and their students. Door prizes will wrap up the event. Must be present to win.
- Food and Beverages. The AFW event is in-person. We'll provide soda, coffee, water, and hors d’oeuvres during the entire event.
Meet colleagues and support staff!
What: Welcome for Associate Faculty at IUPUI, IUPUC, and IUFW Where: UL 1125 University Library at IUPUI (in and about the offices of the Center for Teaching and Learning) Who: Part-time Faculty at IUPUI, IUPUC, and IUFW, and staff who support your teaching When: Either on August 10 or on August 14, each day from 5:30 to 7:30pm.
Thursday, August 31 | 12 noon - 1 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Anusha S. Rao and Presenter: Kimmaree Murday
Embrace the power of neurodiversity and develop strategies to support the unique strengths of neurodivergent students. Gain a deeper understanding of the neurological differences found in people with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other diagnoses as we move away from deficit-focused perspectives. Leave equipped with approaches and resources to foster a supportive learning environment that benefits all students.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Inclusive Teaching (I)
Tuesday, September 12 | 12 noon - 1 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer(s): Faculty Affairs and Professional Development and Presenter: Christen Dilly
During this interactive, online session, Christen Dilly, MD, ME, will provide faculty with the practical advice needed to get a scholarly education project off the ground, including clarifying a research question, setting goals, considering ethical and IRB issues, collecting data and potential dissemination outlets.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Assessment Methods and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (A)
The FALCON 2023 Call for Proposals is now open! The conference will be held on October 28, registration will be free and limited to 150 attendees. This year’s theme is Trends, expectations, and challenges: What it’s like to be an educator in 2023. View the full call details and complete the online submission form by August 11.
IUPUI Equity Champions Program
The Institute for Engaged Learning is in the process of identifying instructors who may be interested in participating during fall semester. For more information, requirements and to apply for the program.