Are you looking for ideas for connecting global learning and diversity, equity, and inclusion to prepare learners for today and tomorrow’s challenges? How might being transparent in our teaching impact student outcomes and self-efficacy? Join us for a half-day of professional learning through a keynote, plenary, and a variety of concurrent sessions to help jumpstart engaging, inclusive, and equitable student learning experiences and student success. This annual event will be held on Friday, March 24, 9 a.m. - 12:45 p.m., at the IUPUI Campus Center.
Featured Webinar
Using Canvas Data to Better Support Your Students
Canvas is a good starting place to identify where your learners might need more support. Learn how to access various types of Canvas data using its built-in dashboards, what the data mean, and how to supplement that data to paint a fuller picture of student learning in your course.
Featured Resource
Generative AI in Higher Education
What is Generative AI and its implications for teaching and learning in higher education? How might you use this type of technology for assessment in your course? Check out this article from Adam Maksl, Faculty Fellow for UITS eLearning Design & Innovation and an Associate Professor of Journalism and Media at IU Southeast.
Reflecting on Your Practice? It’s Important to Slow Down
Ferlazzo, L. (2023, February 28). Reflecting on Your Practice? It’s important to Slow Down. Education Week.
Happy spring break! This week provides the perfect opportunity to pause and reflect. This article emphasizes the importance of reflecting on teaching practices in order to enhance student learning and grow professionally. It also offers several suggestions for how you can be intentional in reflective practice through writing, video recordings, observing others, and asking for feedback.
Supporting Community-engaged Teaching and Scholarly Practice
The Center for Service and Learning supports community-engaged faculty and staff to receive funding to employ students to provide support for courses, programs, or projects that advance the community-engagement mission of IUPUI through the Community Engagement Associates (CEA) program. Applications are open through March 15.
Apply for the Community Engagement Associates (CEA) program.
Building Inclusive Physics and STEM Learning Spaces that Leverage Student Expertise and Voice
Mel Sabella, Professor of Physics, Chicago State University
Wednesday, March 22, at 3:30 p.m. in Science Building (LD 027)
No registration required!
One objective for our physics and science programs is to create spaces that support students in developing a sense of belonging and community, where they play the role of active, engaged members of our instructional programs. One way to support this objective is to have students work alongside instructors on instructional reform through peer mentoring programs, such as the Learning Assistant (LA) Model. A key component to the success of the Learning Assistant (LA) Model is the relationship that forms between LAs and the instructors they work with to promote effective learning spaces.
Register for the 2023 Plater Institute on the Future of Learning
The 2023 Plater Institute on the Future of Learning will be held on Thursday, April 6, in University Library at 10 a.m. This year’s theme is High-Impact Teaching and Learning and seeks to elevate the great work that is happening at IUPUI, in Greater Indianapolis, and across Indiana University.
Learn more and register for the institute.
Teach Talks with Faculty Crossing Teaching Resident: Sarah Jones
April 6: Teach Talk - Process is Progress: A No Mistakes Approach to Drawing (in-person hands-on workshop) 12 noon to 1 p.m.
The Faculty Crossing presents Teach Talks with Herron School of Art + Design associate instructor, Sarah Jones. Sarah is this semester’s Teaching Resident at the Faculty Crossing. This hands-on Teach Talk includes a series of approachable and fun drawing exercises to create a layered image. No drawing experience required.
Webinar Series Finale - Enhancing Video Skills for Instruction
Online teaching is here to stay, and as everyone has recently learned, video is a primary and effective component of teaching online. Using well-produced high quality instructional videos for in-person courses as an asynchronous component of instruction can further enhance the students’ learning experience. If you’d like to learn how to make you and your lessons sparkle on video, the final part of the two part webinar series on March 23 will demystify the process of creating videos.
Learn more and register.
Grad CHAT: Promoting Academic Integrity
If you have a TA/grader or know graduate students who are interested in teaching and learning, please encourage them to sign up for Grad CHAT! The final Grad CHAT session for this semester will feature a panel of faculty members and graduate students who will share their experiences and strategies to promote academic integrity. This webinar will be held on Zoom on March 24, 4 - 5 p.m. Register for the webinar.
CTL Workshops and Webinars
Wednesday, March 15 | 11 a.m. - 12 noon | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Kimmaree Murday and Presenter: John Ault
Looking for a way to make your course content more accessible and your course more inclusive? This webinar, offered by the IU Campus Teaching and Learning Centers in collaboration with the Assistive Technology and Accessibility Center, will provide a basic understanding of the Seven Simple Steps you can take to improve the accessibility of your course and make changes that will benefit and include all students in the learning process.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Instructional Technology (IT)
Wednesday, March 15 | 12 noon - 1 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Faculty Affairs and Professional Development and Presenter: Krista Longtin
Qualitative methods are effective for understanding complex social issues in medical education research in ways that both differ from and complement what is possible within quantitative research.
This session provides an introduction to qualitative research with a focus on:
- Distinguishing qualitative research from quantitative methods
- Examining various uses for qualitative research in medical education
- Identifying useful data gathering methods for qualitative research
- Recognizing measures for quality and credibility for qualitative research projects
Through their engagement in discussion and case studies, participants will strengthen their ability to recognize the multiple types of qualitative research, such as case study, grounded theory, and mixed methods. They will also become more familiar with what is needed to setup a credible qualitative research study and become better equipped to recognize the benefits of incorporating qualitative research into future research studies.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Assessment Methods and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (A)
Tuesday, March 21 | 12 noon - 1 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Anusha S. Rao and Presenters: Douglas Jerolimov, Anusha S Rao
Rubrics make grading consistent and speedy, and increases transparency of assignments to students. Rubrics also make concrete a course’s and assignment’s learning objectives, which helps students become critical thinkers and to assess their own work. In this webinar, you will learn basic principles to streamline the creation of rubrics for equitable and effective assessment of student learning. You will also evaluate and discuss the merits of sample rubrics.
This webinar is part of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s online mini-workshop series focused on foundational teaching skills, Teaching Foundations (previously known as Teaching@IUPUI). Designed for new faculty, adjunct faculty, graduate students, and those looking for a refresher on good teaching practices, the webinars are short, with a brief presentation interspersed with opportunities for interaction and questions. Grounded in current research, the workshops address various teaching topics and provide participants with strategies and resources to make instruction more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. Sessions are scheduled with the time of semester in mind, to keep topics relevant for faculty needs at that time.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Assessment Methods and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (A)
Wednesday, March 22 | 11 - 11:30 a.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Jeani Young and Presenters: William Orme, Jeani Young
Interested in instructional materials outside of a publisher’s catalog? Come spend 30 minutes learning about Open Educational Resources that are free for your students, and open for you to customize to your course. There’s more out there than you may think! In addition to finding alternate textbooks to use as-is, you can mix and match chapters from multiple books and resources or customize materials to reflect your class’s needs.
This webinar will introduce you to the current landscape of OER and provide resources for you to find OER in your discipline.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Instructional Strategies (IS), Inclusive Teaching (I), Curriculum and Course Design (C)
Tuesday, March 28 | 1 - 2 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Jessica Alexander and Presenter: Debora Herold
Candidates for academic positions are often asked to give a teaching demonstration as part of an on campus interview. This webinar will be facilitated by faculty members from IUPUI and University of Pikeville , some of whom have recently done a successful teaching demonstration and others who have been part of faculty search committees and evaluated teaching demonstrations. You will learn about a framework for planning a teaching demonstration and some example approaches to teaching a given topic. You will also discuss the importance of considering the institutional and pedagogical contexts and situational factors such as the pandemic when preparing a teaching demonstration. if you will be on the faculty job market in the near future, this is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn about tips and strategies to deliver a stellar teaching demonstrations!
Note: This workshop is offered as a part of the Preparing Future Faculty and Professionals program.
Wednesday, March 29 | 11 - 11:45 a.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Kimmaree Murday and Presenter: Sarah Herpst
Looking for a way to make your course content more accessible? This webinar, offered by the IU campus Teaching and Learning Centers in collaboration with the Assistive Technology and Accessibility Center, will introduce a new tool that is intended to help you create accessible content for your students. Join us as we discuss Anthology Ally and walk you through how it can be leveraged in your Canvas course.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Instructional Technology (IT)
Thursday, March 30 | 1:30 - 2 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Kimmaree Murday and Presenter: Lesli Amaya
In this 30-minute webinar, learn about the basics of Canvas and get your course set up for the semester. This workshop will give you an overview of Canvas navigation, the Course Setup Wizard, and other basic settings to familiarize you with this learning management system.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Instructional Technology (IT)
Friday, March 31 | 11 - 11:30 a.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Lesli Amaya and Presenter: Kimmaree Murday
Join this 30-minute webinar to learn how to set up your Gradebook in Canvas using assignments. We’ll show you how to weight grades, how to drop lowest scores, and other tips and tricks to ensure that Canvas calculates your grades just the way you want.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Instructional Technology (IT)
Tuesday, April 4 | 12 noon - 1 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Douglas Jerolimov and Presenters: Douglas Jerolimov, Richard Turner
This session introduces faculty and graduate students to the practice of documenting one’s teaching. Participants will examine different kinds of evidence and documents to capture, and to make the case for, teaching achievements. Participants will consider how to shape their evolution as teachers through the use of many kinds of documents that include—but do not rely on—student evaluations of teaching. This webinar is the 3rd webinar in a 3-webinar series designed to introduce faculty and graduate students to the process of creating, refining and documenting one’s teaching practices.
This webinar is one of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s online mini-workshops focused on foundational teaching skills, a series of webinars called Teaching@IUPUI. Designed for new faculty, adjunct faculty, graduate students, and those looking for a refresher on good teaching practices, the webinars are short, with a brief presentation interspersed with opportunities for interaction and questions. Grounded in current research, the workshops address various teaching topics and provide participants with strategies and resources to make instruction more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. Sessions are scheduled with the time of semester in mind, to keep topics relevant for faculty needs at that time.
Thursday, April 6 | 12 noon - 1 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Anusha S Rao and Presenters: Douglas Jerolimov, Anusha S Rao
Evidence-based teaching practices are research-supported methods of teaching that foster high levels of student learning and retention. These active learning strategies are rooted in principles of how people learn and may be successfully adapted to different disciplines. This webinar will provide an introduction to various evidence-base teaching practices and particularly focus on two such evidence-based teaching practices, Peer Instruction and Problem-Based Learning (PBL). Using examples drawn from different disciplines, participants will be equipped to implement a Peer Instruction or PBL strategy for an assignment in a course of their own, and discuss techniques to assess student learning gains.
This webinar is part of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s online mini-workshop series focused on foundational teaching skills, Teaching Foundations (previously known as Teaching@IUPUI). Designed for new faculty, adjunct faculty, graduate students, and those looking for a refresher on good teaching practices, the webinars are short, with brief presentation interspersed with opportunities for interaction and questions. Grounded in current research, the webinars address various teaching topics and provide participants with strategies and resources to make instruction more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. Sessions are scheduled with the time of semester in mind, to keep topics relevant for faculty needs at that time. Recordings of past Teaching@IUPUI webinars are available on the Center for Teaching and Learning website for you to access anytime.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Curriculum and Course Design (C)
Friday, April 21 | 12 noon - 1:30 p.m. | Zoom Register » Organizer: IT Training and Presenters: Michele Kelmer, April Law, Jen Oakes, Yvonne Wittmann
Speed Dating with Learning Technologies is exactly what it sounds like—a matchmaking event that encourages participants to "date" a range of potential tools and services, gaining exposure to a lot of resources within a short period of time.
Tuesday, April 25 | 12 noon - 1 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Jessica Alexander and Presenters: Jessica Alexander, Anusha S Rao
Diversity and inclusion play an important role in promoting student learning. Today’s college students are increasingly diverse compared to prior generations. Traditional teaching strategies have also been shown to lead to lower academic achievement for underserved students compared to majority students even when differences in GPA and other factors are controlled for. By considering the diversity of the classroom and implementing equitable teaching strategies, instructors can increase student learning and sense of belonging for all students, not just those who are underserved. In this webinar, participants will learn how to leverage student diversity and incorporate inclusive teaching strategies in their classrooms. Questions and discussion will be encouraged.
This webinar is part of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s online mini-workshop series focused on foundational teaching skills, Teaching Foundations. Designed for new faculty, adjunct faculty, graduate students, and those looking for a refresher on good teaching practices, the webinars are short, with a brief presentation interspersed with opportunities for interaction and questions. Grounded in current research, the workshops address various teaching topics and provide participants with strategies and resources to make instruction more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. Sessions are scheduled with the time of semester in mind, to keep topics relevant for faculty needs at that time.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Instructional Strategies (IS), Inclusive Teaching (I)
Sign Up for a Writing Group!
The writing group program provides a structure that encourages progress toward publication by promoting regular writing. Sign up is open to faculty, teaching staff of all appointments, and graduate students from IUPUI, IUPUC, and IU Fort Wayne.
The spring writing groups meet from 9 to 11 a.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Both meetings are simultaneously online and at the Faculty Crossing. You can join either Tuesday or Wednesday sessions, or both!
Sign up today for a writing group.
University Library Virtual Reality Lab Now Open
2023 SEIRI Seed Grant Request For Proposals are now posted: Apply by March 31, 20203.
Global Voices Program: Add global perspectives and intercultural learning experiences to your course.