The 2023 CEG Request for Proposals is now open! Faculty from IUPUI, IUPUC, and IU Fort Wayne are invited to submit a proposal to enhance their course/curricula for inclusive and equitable student learning experiences using innovative pedagogies and technology, and engaged learning practice of ePortfolios. Completed proposals due by January 31, 2023.
Featured Webinar
Canvas in 30: Giving Feedback to Students
Learn 3 ways to share your feedback on Canvas assignments. Using Speedgrader, rubrics, and feedback in quizzes, you can ensure that your students have the feedback they need to improve their performance.
Featured Resource
Resources for Developing a Strong CEG Proposal
Planning to submit a CEG grant? Check out these resources including samples of successful past proposals and short videos on proposal requirements, research methods, assessment evaluation plan, and more.
2023 FACET Leadership Team presents: Inclusive Teaching through Authentic Assessment
What can faculty do to become more inclusive in their teaching? Join this team of FACET leaders as they facilitate a series of four teaching workshops. The workshop series will take place over the course of four Fridays in Spring 2023, from 12 noon to 1:15 p.m. --- Jan. 20, Feb. 24, Mar. 24, and Apr. 21. All sessions will be in person in the University Library Ashby room located on the second floor. Lunch will be provided. Registration is limited to the first 20 participants. For more information, please contact facet@iu.edu. Register for the series.
Extended Reality Initiative (XRI) Faculty Fellows Grant
The Extended Reality Initiative (XRI) Faculty Fellows Grant provides faculty with technical and instructional support and funds to implement Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR) assignments/projects/activities into their course(s) that are designed to improve student learning and success at IU.
Proposal submission is now open! View and submit an application.
Improving the learning experience for all students
Herpst, S. (n.d.). Improving the learning experience for all students. The Connected Professor a Fresh Look at Teaching and Learning With Technology at IU.
Looking for a way to make your course content more accessible? Indiana University launched a new accessibility tool called Anthology Ally! Read this article to learn how Ally can be used to create accessible content for your students on Canvas and how an IU East faculty member has used it to make her course more accessible in a efficient and effective manner.
CTL Workshops and Webinars
Wednesday, January 4 | 2 - 2:30 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: IU eTexts and Presenter: Noma Maier
In the Fall of 2022, we launched Engage 2.0 – a refreshed version of the Engage e-reader that’s been in use at IU since 2011. Join this webinar to get a first look at the new interface, learn about new features, and get resources to support your transition to the new e-reader. This webinar is also offered at 7:00 p.m.
This event is being hosted by IT Training. If you have questions, they can be reached at ittraining@iu.edu or by phone at (812) 855-7383 or (317) 274-7383.
Wednesday, January 4 | 3 - 3:30 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Kimmaree Murday and Presenter: Kimmaree Murday
Well-organized Canvas modules provide an effective way for both you and your students to navigate through your course content. This 30-minute webinar will show you how to set up a Canvas course using Modules to organize your assignments, discussions, files, and more.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Instructional Technology (IT)
Thursday, January 5 | 2 - 2:30 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Kimmaree Murday and Presenter: Madeleine Gonin
Canvas Quizzes is a tool that helps you create more than just quizzes, tests and exams; you can use it for surveys and practice quizzes too. Options include creating automatically graded items, adding images and videos, typing formulas, and more. Join this 30-minute webinar to learn how to create quizzes in Canvas, add questions, and include feedback.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Instructional Technology (IT)
Wednesday, January 11 | 11 a.m. - 12 noon | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Kimmaree Murday and Presenter: John Ault
Looking for a way to make your course content more accessible and your course more inclusive? This webinar, offered by the IU Campus Teaching and Learning Centers in collaboration with the Assistive Technology and Accessibility Center, will provide a basic understanding of the Seven Simple Steps you can take to improve the accessibility of your course and make changes that will benefit and include all students in the learning process.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Instructional Technology (IT)
Tuesday, January 17 | 12 noon - 1 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Douglas Jerolimov and Presenters: Douglas Jerolimov and Richard Turner
Faculty who seek to refine and promote their teaching efforts may document their work through the development of a teaching portfolio, a site where faculty engage in reflective practice to measure the effectiveness of, and to refine, their teaching practices. This webinar introduces faculty to the teaching portfolio and to the several interrelated tasks that yield the teaching portfolio's elements: developing a teaching philosophy, identifying specific teaching practices to explore, document, and to improve, situating an identified teaching practices in an appropriate context, and collecting and evaluating evidence of teaching and learning.
Tuesday, January 24 | 12 noon - 1 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Jessica Alexander and Presenters: Jessica Alexander and Anusha S Rao
Students who have a growth mindset view intelligence as malleable while those with a fixed mindset view intelligence as finite. Students can grow with persistence and effort, but having a growth mindset underlies these behaviors. This, in turn, is dependent on the instructor’s mindset as well. In this webinar, participants will be introduced to the differences between growth and fixed mindset theories of intelligence and discuss activities they can incorporate into their classes to foster growth mindset. They will also reflect upon their current teaching practices that align with growth mindset and identify new activities.
This webinar is part of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s online mini-workshop series focused on foundational teaching skills, Teaching Foundations (previously known as Teaching@IUPUI). Designed for new faculty, adjunct faculty, graduate students, and those looking for a refresher on good teaching practices, the webinars are short, with a brief presentation interspersed with opportunities for interaction and questions. Grounded in current research, the workshops address various teaching topics and provide participants with strategies and resources to make instruction more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. Sessions are scheduled with the time of semester in mind, to keep topics relevant for faculty needs at that time.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Learning Theory (L), Inclusive Teaching (I)
Wednesday, January 25 | 11 - 11:45 a.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Kimmaree Murday and Presenter: Sarah Herpst
Looking for a way to make your course content more accessible? This webinar, offered by the IU campus Teaching and Learning Centers in collaboration with the Assistive Technology and Accessibility Center, will introduce a new tool that is intended to help you create accessible content for your students. Join us as we discuss Anthology Ally and walk you through how it can be leveraged in your Canvas course.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Instructional Technology (IT)
Tuesday, January 31 | 12 noon - 1 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Douglas Jerolimov and Presenters: Douglas Jerolimov and Richard Turner
A teaching philosophy presents a faculty member’s reflection on the experiences and beliefs that shape his or her teaching and learning strategies. Often used as part of a job application, a promotion and tenure dossier, a teaching award nomination, or course syllabi, a teaching philosophy captures and documents a teacher’s values and aspirations in teaching. This webinar will review one model for structuring a teaching philosophy and will also examine some example philosophies. Webinar participants will take the first steps in articulating their teaching philosophy; those who have already begun to craft a philosophy will have an opportunity to continue that work. This webinar is the 1st webinar in a 3-webinar series designed to introduce faculty and graduate students to the process of creating, refining and documenting one’s teaching practices.
This webinar is one of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s online mini-workshops focused on foundational teaching skills, a series of webinars called Teaching Foundations. Designed for new faculty, adjunct faculty, graduate students, and those looking for a refresher on good teaching practices, the webinars are short, with a brief presentation interspersed with opportunities for interaction and questions. Grounded in current research, the workshops address various teaching topics and provide participants with strategies and resources to make instruction more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. Sessions are scheduled with the time of semester in mind, to keep topics relevant for faculty needs at that time.
Thursday, February 2 | 12 noon - 1 p.m. | Online - Zoom Register » Organizer: Anusha S. Rao and Presenters: Jessica Alexander and Anusha S Rao
Assessing student learning during the pandemic has motivated many instructors to consider flexible, equitable, and creative alternatives to traditional assessments such as exams. In this webinar, you will discuss strategies to design alternative assessments that are aligned to course learning outcomes. You will also consider the benefits and challenges of alternative assessments in your teaching context and review examples of alternate assessments in various disciplines.
This webinar is part of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s online mini-workshop series focused on foundational teaching skills, Teaching Foundations (previously known as Teaching@IUPUI). Designed for new faculty, adjunct faculty, graduate students, and those looking for a refresher on good teaching practices, the webinars are short, with a brief presentation interspersed with opportunities for interaction and questions. Grounded in current research, the workshops address various teaching topics and provide participants with strategies and resources to make instruction more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. Sessions are scheduled with the time of semester in mind, to keep topics relevant for faculty needs at that time.
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Assessment Methods and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (A), Inclusive Teaching (I)
Sign Up for a Writing Group!
The writing group program provides a structure that encourages progress toward publication by promoting regular writing. Sign up is open to faculty, teaching staff of all appointments, and graduate students from IUPUI, IUPUC, and IU Fort Wayne.
The spring writing groups meet from 9 to 11 a.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Both meetings are simultaneously online and at the Faculty Crossing. You can join either Tuesday or Wednesday sessions, or both!
Groups will begin meeting on Tuesday, January 10, 2023. Sign up today for a writing group.
January 9: SAVI Training – Frame the Problem (virtual event)
January 17: SAVI Training – Find Existing Sources
January 31: SAVI Training – Avoid Data Pitfalls (virtual event)
Global Voices Program: Add global perspectives and intercultural learning experiences to your course.
CTL Holiday Office Hours
- Wednesday, December 21: CTL will be open virtually only from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Thursday, December 22: CTL will be open virtually only from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
- Friday, December 23: CTL will be closed for the campus holiday.
- Monday, December 26 – Friday, December 30: CTL will be closed.
CTL will reopen on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 12 noon.