Indiana Digital Learning Summit Call for Proposals Deadline Extended
On February 8, 2019, the Plater Institute on the Future of Learning and Leap INdiana will present the Indiana Digital Learning Summit. We seek proposals for fast-paced, dynamic 10-minute presentations/demonstrations focused on the use of digital courseware and adaptive learning technologies to enhance student learning and reduce achievement gaps. Proposals are due on Tues., Jan. 8, 11:59 p.m.Click here for more information.
Online Course Design and Development Bootcamp
If you're creating a new fully online course or revising an existing one and will be teaching it in the next academic year, our this bootcamp may be for you. It's an 8-week intensive, interactive online course where participants work with a cohort of peers to develop their course and experience the perspective of being an online student. See the event page for more information and to register.
Early Career Teaching Academy Applications Due January 14, 2019
Most new faculty enter the professoriate with training and support for their research, but few enter with equivalent preparation and support for their teaching. The Early Career Teaching Academy (ECTA) provides a program for faculty members to engage in conversations to develop effective teaching strategies that are situated in their own emerging teaching philosophies. The Academy invites applications from full-time faculty members in their first, second, or third year of teaching at IUPUI, IUPU Columbus, and Indiana University Fort Wayne.
The academy commences with two intensive sessions: one half-day on February 15 (morning), and one full-day session on February 22. Over the course of the next year, attendees are also required to attend four Faculty Learning Community meetings, held typically on Thursday or Friday mornings.
2019 E.C. Moore Symposium Save the Date and Call for Proposals
The IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning seeks proposals from faculty teaching at higher education institutions across Indiana for the 2019 E.C. Moore Symposium on Excellence in Teaching(opens in new tab). We would especially welcome proposals that address topics such as: efforts to improve student learning and engagement, inclusive excellence, integrative learning, novel general education courses or curricula, creative use of instructional technology, and initiatives that promote excellence in teaching. Proposals should clearly demonstrate relevance to a broad range of disciplines. The 2019 E.C. Moore Symposium will be held on Friday, March 8th at the IUPUI Campus Center.
The Curriculum Enhancement Grant (CEG) provides faculty with technical and instructional support, time, and funds to implement projects designed to improve student learning and success at IUPUI, IUPU Columbus, and IUFW. In addition, the grants seek to enhance the conversation about scholarly teaching on campus and increase the practice of the scholarship of teaching and learning. The grant supports a wide range of faculty projects designed to improve student learning and success. See the 2019 Curriculum Enhancement Grant Request for Proposals for more information. The deadline for proposal submissions is Friday, January 25, 2019, 11:59 p.m.
Tech Tip: Canvas Multi-course Announcements
Need to post an announcement to multiple courses at once? The Multi-course Announcements tool simplifies the process. Find it in the Canvas Announcements tool, or add it to the navigation menu in any Canvas course site. Learn more(opens in new tab)..
In this webinar, offered by the Centers for Teaching & Learning, we will explore and discuss the structure of Canvas, IU’s learning management system. The presentation will give instructors an understanding of the interactivity of Canvas tools and how that influences the way courses are set up. You will learn how to
Are you new to teaching at IU? Join this webinar to learn about the instructional technologies that can help you get the semester off to a good start.
You will learn how to:
Share content with students
Get to know your students
Teach students about academic integrity
Collect feedback from students
Follow up with students who may be at risk
Stay informed of instructional technology developments at IU
This event aligns with the following IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program competencies: Instructional Technology (IT).
Teaching@IUPUI: An Introduction to Formative Assessment
Wednesday, January 16 | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. | Online - Zoom
Register »Organizer(s): Anusha S. Rao and Presenter(s): Jessica Alexander, Anusha S Rao
Good assessment practices include checking students’ learning on a regular basis during the learning experience. They provide faculty with feedback on what, how much, and how well their students are learning. Instructors can use this feedback to modify their teaching to improve student learning. It helps students reflect on their learning and identify gaps in their knowledge. In this webinar, participants will learn the difference between formative and summative assessment as well as how to implement formative assessment techniques in different teaching contexts and disciplines. Questions and discussion will be encouraged.
This webinar is part of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s online mini-workshop series focused on foundational teaching skills, Teaching@IUPUI. Designed for new faculty, adjunct faculty, graduate students, and those looking for a refresher on good teaching practices, the webinars are short, with a brief presentation interspersed with opportunities for interaction and questions. Grounded in current research, the workshops address various teaching topics and provide participants with strategies and resources to make instruction more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. Sessions are scheduled with the time of semester in mind, to keep topics relevant for faculty needs at that time.
This event aligns with the Assessment Methods and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (A) competency for the IUSM Academy of Teaching Scholars program.
Preparing for the Review of a General Education Course
Wednesday, January 23 | 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. | University Library, UL 1116
Register »Organizer(s): Terri Tarr and Presenter(s): Debora Herold, Terri Tarr
As IUPUI begins the process of reviewing general education courses, course coordinators or faculty responsible for preparing course portfolios for review may have questions about the information and materials that need to go into the portfolios. This workshop will provide an overview of the course review process, a review of course portfolio requirements, the process for assembling and submitting the portfolio, and the rubric that will be used to review the course portfolios. Examples from existing course portfolios will be incorporated into the workshop. Questions and discussion will be encouraged.
This workshop is being offered in two formats: in person and online. When you register, you will be prompted to choose how you would like to attend.
Partner Opportunities
Spring 2019 Writing Groups - Sign Up Now!
Each semester, the Forum offers writing groups that provide encouragement, accountability, and a sense of community for faculty and staff. This spring, there are two ways to participate:
Online Accountability Groups - Participants are placed in five person groups and given access to a shared, online spreadsheet. Each day, they will record their time spent writing into the spreadsheet and "check in" on each others' progress. This feedback loop will help participants develop a writing habit and will remind them that they are not alone.
In-Person Writing Circles - Participants are organized into groups that meet in person for two hours each week. In the first 30 minutes of their meeting, group members will discuss a writing-related topic. In the remaining 90 minutes, they will sit quietly and write. This option is a great way to schedule writing time into a busy schedule.
To sign up, visit this website and click the “Sign Up Now” button ( Sign up will close on January 18th; the session will start on January 21st. Membership is open to IUPUI, IUPUC and IU Fort Wayne faculty and staff of all ranks, appointments, and disciplines.
The Polis Center - IUPUI is Offering a Series of Free Workshops to Build Data Literacy Skills
The Polis Center at IUPUI is offering a series of free workshops to build data literacy skills and use the SAVI community information system as a resource. See the workshops offered below:
Get paid to participate in a hands-on workshop on intercultural engagement that will transform your classroom into a culturally sensitive and interactive environment! Any faculty can apply to receive a mini-grant from the Gateway Community on Intercultural Practice, and participate in a workshop with Dr. Charles Calahan of Purdue University on Jan 25th. For more information, email Estela Ene at:
Spring 2019 Communicating Science Program
This three-session series is designed to train participants to communicate complex scientific topics more effectively to non-experts like patients, learners, lawmakers, and funders.
Session 1: Feb. 12, 4:00 -6:00 p.m., Connecting With Your Audience Session 2: Feb. 19, 4:00- 6:00 p.m., Distilling Your Message Session 3: Feb. 26, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Media Training for Scientists and Physicians
All participants are asked to commit to the entire three workshop series, as each session builds upon the previous. For class descriptions and to register click here. Please note: If you register for this event, you will be registered for all three sessions.
Call for Presentations, Workshops and Posters
Call for Presentations, workshops and posters deadline is Friday, February 15, 2019 for the 8th Annual PEER-LED TEAM LEARNING INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY. Among the threads to be explored are: (1)Sustainability of PLTL campus programs; (2)Critical thinking, meta-cognition, and PLTL; (3)Discourse analysis including cyberPLTL; (4)PLTL and the sense of belonging; (5)Workplace skills development and PLTL; (6)Implementations in non-STEM disciplines. For more information, contact Dr. Ne'Shaun Jones
8th Annual Conference of the Peer-Led Team Learning International Society
Save The Dates: Thursday - Saturday, June 6 - 8, 2019 for the 8th Annual Conference of the Peer-Led Team Learning International Society. This event is hosted by IUPUI STEM Education Innovation and Research Institute (SEIRI). For more information:
2018 National Institutes, Conferences, and Awards in Global and Intercultural Learning
The Office of International Affairs has a small fund available to offset a portion of the associated costs of these professional development opportunities.
Although many courses require students to memorize and be proficient in key vocabulary, students may not see the value in memorization when they can quickly do an internet search instead. This article provides instructors with a discussion of what they could say to students who asks why they must memorize key terms and provides strategies the students can use to learn those particular terms.
Center for Teaching and Learning social media channels