Associate Faculty Teaching Forum
Associate Faculty Teaching Forum
Wednesday, August 17 | 5:15 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. | Engineering and Technology Building
Register »Organizer(s): Douglas Jerolimov and Presenter(s): Various
Are you a new or returning Associate Faculty member? (Sometimes Associate Faculty are called “part-time faculty” or “part-time lecturers.”) If so, you are invited to attend the Associate Faculty Teaching Forum, an event designed to support your professional development as teaching faculty at IUPUI. This year, our event offers six sessions for you to engage in conversation with CTL consultants and with your Associate Faculty colleagues about teaching methodologies and classroom techniques, and about new ways of using technology in the classroom and online. Also, this year's event includes a session called the Associate Faculty Orientation for new and returning faculty who are interested in learning about resources that IUPUI makes available to support your work. Sessions are designed to encourage discussion and the sharing of ideas among new and experienced instructors.
IUPUI TA Orientation
Thursday, August 18 | 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. | Multiple Locations
Register »Organizer(s): James Gregory and Anusha Rao and Presenter(s): Various
Formerly known as the ETTA Fall Conference, the IUPUI TA Orientation is an all-day event that helps prepare IUPUI graduate students to teach for the first time. Sessions cover a wide range of topics, including, understanding student privacy issues, using classroom technology, grading, and balancing personal and professional duties. The Orientation also includes a Resource Fair where TAs can meet representatives from the various units and offices that support graduate and undergraduate student success on campus. By participating in this focused event, IUPUI graduate students new to teaching can better prepare for their first classroom or online teaching experience. The conference is free and lunch will be provided.
Teaching@IUPUI: Creating Rubrics
Wednesday, July 20 | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Online - Adobe Connect
Register »Organizer(s): Terri Tarr and Presenter(s): James Gregory, Douglas Jerolimov
Using rubrics increases grading transparency, consistency, and efficiency while encouraging students to link assignments to learning objectives and become more critical assessors of their own work. However, many faculty feel that creating a rubric and using it effectively requires time and effort that they cannot spare. In this online mini-workshop, participants will learn some basic principles for quickly creating effective rubrics that will make assessing student work faster, more consistent, and more rewarding.
Kaltura: How to Work with Captions
Friday, July 22 | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. | Online - Zoom
Register »Organizer(s): Randy Newbrough and Presenter(s): Peter Ermey, Tomas Gregg
Video services like YouTube and IU’s Kaltura Mediaspace (kaltura.iu.edu) now make it possible for users to add mechanically generated captions to their videos, however those captions are not always perfectly accurate. In this session, participants will learn to add and manage mechanical captions in Kaltura, and how to edit captions using the Cielo Editor in Kaltura. This session is suitable for people with little or no experience working with video.
Teaching@IUPUI: Creating a Syllabus
Wednesday, July 27 | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Online - Adobe Connect
Register »Organizer(s): Terri Tarr and Presenter(s): James Gregory, Terri Tarr
A syllabus is often the first impression that students form of a course, and it serves both faculty and student as a guide to and contract for the semester. A well designed and personalized syllabus can help faculty set the proper tone while simultaneously helping them avoid having to repeatedly answer basic student questions about expectations, policies, and deadlines. By examining syllabi from various disciplines, this online mini-workshop will offer tips and considerations for effective syllabus design, show example syllabi, and include time for questions and discussion.
Teaching@IUPUI: Best Practices for Slide Show Presentations
Wednesday, August 3 | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Online - Adobe Connect
Register »Organizer(s): Terri Tarr and Presenter(s): Douglas Jerolimov, James Newbrough
Slide show presentations such as ones prepared in PowerPoint are ubiquitous but not always supportive of learning. In this session, participants will discover evidence-supported slide show presentation techniques that will encourage learning and promote engagement. To make the most of this session, participants should have proficiency with PowerPoint, Keynote or similar slide show authoring tools.
Teaching@IUPUI: First Day of Class
Wednesday, August 10 | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Online - Adobe Connect
Register »Organizer(s): Terri Tarr and Presenter(s): Douglas Jerolimov, Terri Tarr
The first day of class sets the tone for the rest of the semester. It’s an opportunity to set learners’ expectations, establish a feeling of community, and give students a taste of course content. This online mini-workshop will focus on ideas and activities that instructors can use to get a course off to a great start, with time for questions and discussion.
Canvas Information and Workshops
Learn how to use Canvas, IU's new Learning Management System, at your own pace or in a guided tutorial. The Center for Teaching and Learning, along with IT Training, offers a wide variety of workshops and webinars to help faculty set up Canvas sites for summer and fall semesters.
Upcoming workshops:
Oncourse to Canvas Migration Support
If you have been teaching in Oncourse and are ready to make the move to Canvas, here are some resources you may find helpful:
Get Published and Write Winning Proposals
Get Published, Write Winning Proposals and Produce Effective Presentations: A Workshop Series for International Faculty and Scholars
Organized by Internationally Renowned Applied Linguist Dr. Ulla Connor
Workshops include:
- Academic Writing for Publication in English (September 16, 2016, 9 am – 4 pm & January 27, 2017, 9 am – 4 pm)
- Scientific Grant Proposal Writing (September 30, 2016, 9 am – 4 pm & February 17, 2017, 9 am – 4 pm)
- Communication Skills for Oral Presentations (October 21, 2016, 9 am – 4 pm & March 10, 2017, 9 am – 4 pm)
Workshop Descriptions:
All of the workshops are designed to assist international faculty, researchers and graduate students to improve their oral, written and intercultural communication strategies and to provide engaging, hands-on learning activities. For registration dates and more information, please visit https://liberalarts.iupui.edu/icic/pages/workshops/. For questions, feel free to contact Ulla Connor at 317-278-2441 or by email at uconnor@iupui.edu. Register early, space is limited.
Presented by: International Center for Intercultural Communication (ICIC)
Sponsored by: The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research The Center for Teaching and Learning The Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI)
Call for Proposals for the IU Online Conference
The Office of Online Education, in collaboration with the Office of Collaborative Programs and eLearning Design and Services, is hosting an inaugural statewide IU Online Conference, November 11, 2016 on the IUPUI campus.
In preparation for the conference, the Office of Online Education is seeking proposals from IU faculty and staff from across the state who are innovators and collaborators in the online space. These proposals will focus on supporting IU's mission of delivering high-quality, highly engaging, online courses and programs to IU students around the globe.
The Office of Online Education will consider proposals for 45-minute presentations that address empirical research, showcase best practices, and/or describe lessons learned related to online courses or programs. Proposals are due Sunday, September 25, 2016 by 11:59 p.m. For additional information, or to submit a proposal, visit the conference proposal page at https://teachingonline.iu.edu/events/conference2016.
Mack Fellows Call for Applications
The Mack Fellows’ work is at the very core of the mission of Indiana University’s Mack Center for Inquiry on Teaching and Learning. Each year a group of fellows is selected from the full-time faculty (tenured, holding tenurable appointments, Lecturers, Librarians with Faculty rank) of IU campuses to advance the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL).
Each applicant must propose an ambitious yet attainable SoTL research project that is innovative, well grounded in the emerging body of knowledge about SoTL, and has a projected important effect on the home campus, IU, SoTL and/or on scholarly teaching across the academy. Applications are due by October 1, 2016. For additional information, visit: https://facet.iu.edu/news-events/_news/20160603-mack-fellows-call.html.
IU Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching (FACET) SOTL 101 Webpage
IU Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching (FACET) SOTL 101 webpage: https://facet.iu.edu/sotl/sotl-101.