Effective Information Graphics
Part 1: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 | University Library 1125M | 1 - 2:30 p.m. Register» | Organizer & Presenter: Isaac Wilson
Part 1 of this series will investigate how data is visually perceived and understood. Participants will learn research-based methods for communicating graphical information clearly. By the end, participants will be able to recognize the differences between interesting images and informative graphics. Attendees are encouraged but not required to bring a dataset for use during the series.
Part 2: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 | University Library 1125M | 2 -4 p.m. Register» | Organizer & Presenter: Isaac Wilson
Part 2 of this series will have participants turning data sets into effective information graphics. Inkscape, a free vector graphics program, will serve as the primary software tool in this session. Attendees should have basic familiarity with graphic creation tools. During the workshop, participants will produce informational graphics for different purposes. Attendees are encouraged but not required to bring a dataset for use during the series.
Discovering the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Tuesday, February 26, 2013 | University Library 1125M | 2 - 3:30 p.m. Register» | Organizer: Terri Tarr | Presenters: Bill Orme, associate dean, IUPUI University Library, Mary Fisher, professor, Department of Environments for Health and associate vice chancellor for academic affairs, and Kimberly Olivares, managing editor, Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) has been defined as “systematic reflection on teaching and learning made public.” This workshop will focus on the variety of venues available to faculty wishing to contribute to the scholarship of teaching and learning, including journals, professional organizations, and conferences devoted to SoTL concerns. It also will address how to find prior work related to your SoTL idea, both in general and discipline-specific resources, thus enabling you to ground your work in the literature. Attendees will learn about the growing community of SoTL scholars, how to contribute research to this growing academic field, and how SoTL is viewed in the campus promotion and tenure process.
Web Design Basics for ePortfolios
Friday, March 1, 2013 | University Library 1130 | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Register» | Organizer: Mark Alexander | Presenter: Susan Kahn
Most electronic portfolio platforms provide a selection of general templates to help users produce simple, attractive web sites with few or no programming skills; some, including the IU Presentation Maker, provide an option to “build your own” site. In either case, those preparing ePortfolios can benefit from understanding elementary principles of good web design so that their work is legible, accessible and simple to navigate. Even students who are technology literate may need guidance about formats considered appropriate in professional contexts. Workshop participants will learn about core design principles to help their students enhance the final appearance of an academic or professional ePortfolio. During the hands-on portion of the workshop, participants will apply these principles while building their own visual theme in Presentation Maker. Presenters will include Mark Alexander, Instructional Technology Consultant with the Center for Teaching and Learning, and Lynn Ward, Principal Systems Analyst with UITS Instructional Technology Systems and Services.
Information Literacy Workshop
Friday, February 22, 2013 | UC 104 | 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Register»
Anne E. Zald is the Head of the Instruction Department, University Libraries at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where efforts to embed information literacy learning across the curriculum are her primary responsibility.
Currently serving as the Head of Educational Initiatives at the University of Nevada Las Vegas Libraries, Anne's experience over the last 30 years includes coordinating instruction and the creation of new courses, developing outreach projects and expanding educational roles for academic librarians, and providing professional development on pedagogy, assessment, and curricular integration of information literacy. She has been a faculty member for the Institute of Information Literacy for the Association of College and Research Libraries since 1999, where Anne's work with librarians and library administrators have helped to shape information literacy, instruction, and assessment projects and initiatives in institutions around the country. Her position as the Information Literacy Coordinator and lecturer at the University of Washington included a statewide task-force created to assess the information and technology literacy of baccalaureate degree recipients of the public four-year institutions. She has also served on the AAC&U VALUE Information Literacy Rubric team, as well as in librarian positions with Wayne State, Oberlin College, and the University of Michigan.
ePortfolio Webinar: Second Language Program Assessment and Students' Reflections on Learning Outcomes
Friday, February 22, 2013 | Online - Adobe Connect | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Join us this Friday, February 22nd, as Marta Antón, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of World Languages and Cultures, IUPUI, presents Second Language Program Assessment and Students’ Reflections on Learning Outcomes for the ePortfolios @ IU webinar series. Dr. Antón and her colleagues in the Spanish department have been using eportfolios for several years for the Spanish capstone experience. She will be sharing how they have been using eportfolio tools in Oncourse for program assessment, linking their program’s goals to actual student evidence of attainment of these goals through artifact selection and a student reflective essay.
No registration necessary. The webinar can be viewed online, using your own computer, in the Adobe Connect online meeting room: http://connect.iu.edu/ep-iu/. Participants will be able to log in as guests. If you have any questions about the webinar or would like additional instructions for preparing for and participating in the workshop, please feel free to contact Debbie Runshe drunshe@iupui.edu.
New Faculty Mid-Year Gathering
Wednesday, February 27, 2013 | Campus Center 405 | 4 - 6 p.m. | Register»
To start the new year off right, the IUPUI New Faculty Experience Planning Committee would like to invite you to a mid-year meeting to reconnect and follow-up on your progress. Please join us for an informal gathering on Wednesday, February 27th from 4 to 6 p.m. in Campus Center Room 405. Dr. Paydar will provide greetings and brief remarks. Light refreshments will be served.
If you were not able to attend the New Faculty Welcome this past August, please take this opportunity to introduce yourself and meet other new faculty and planning committee members. We would like to hear how you are getting along.
Save the date for the third annual Critical Thinking Symposium
May 6-7, 2013 | Campus Center 450C | 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The purpose of this event is to foster critical thinking in higher education courses. This two day workshop has something for the new or seasoned faculty interested in critical thinking.
This year's speaker is Stephen Brookfield, a distinguished university professor of the University of St Thomas in Minneapolis-St. Paul. He has written and edited fifteen books on adult learning, teaching, leadership, critical theory, and critical thinking, five of which have won the World Award for Literature in Adult Education (in 1986, 1989, 1996, 2005 and 2011). He has also authored over 100 chapters in edited books, published over 70 articles in refereed journals, and delivered over 40 papers that were published in juried conference proceedings.