Edward C. Moore Symposium on Teaching Excellence
Friday, March 2 | Campus Center 450 | 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Register » | EC Moore Website»
The 2012 Edward C. Moore Symposium on Teaching Excellence is scheduled for Friday, March 2 from 8:30am-4pm at the IUPUI Campus Center. The Edward C. Moore Symposium on Teaching Excellence is one of IUPUI's oldest public events, dating from the years of IUPUI's inception. Named in honor of Edward C. Moore, former dean of the faculties, the symposium brings the higher education community together to examine the various instructional strategies that encourage student learning.
This year’s keynote speaker is Michael Wesch, Coffman Chair for University Distinguished Teaching Scholars and associate professor of cultural anthropology, Kansas State University. Wesch, dubbed "the explainer" by Wired magazine, is a cultural anthropologist exploring the effects of new media on society and culture. After two years studying the implications of writing on a remote indigenous culture in the rain forest of Papua New Guinea, he has turned his attention to the effects of social media and digital technology on global society. Wesch has won several major awards for his work, including a Wired Magazine Rave Award, the John Culkin Award for Outstanding Praxis in Media Ecology, and he was recently named an Emerging Explorer by National Geographic.
He has also won several teaching awards, including the 2008 CASE/Carnegie U.S. Professor of the Year for Doctoral and Research Universities. His keynote titled “The End of Wonder in the Age of Whatever” will explore how in an age where technology presents us with a variety of opportunity for connection, creativity, collaboration and knowledge creation but in which people feel increasingly disconnected, disempowered, turned out and alienated, faculty can inspire students to harness and leverage the possibility around us.
Bob Bringle, Chancellor’s Professor of Psychology and Philanthropic Studies and executive director Center for Service and Learning will provide this year’s plenary presentation. Bringle, recipient of the 2011 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, will present his views on how service learning, along with other powerful pedagogies, can improve instruction.
To register visit www.ctl.iupui.edu or contact the Center for Teaching and Learning at 317-274-1300.
The symposium is co-sponsored by:
Center for Teaching and Learning IUSM Office for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development Center for Service and Learning Office of Academic Affairs Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching Gateway to Graduation Program Preparing Future Faculty Program University Information Technology Services
Put lynda.com to work for you
IU students, faculty, and staff statewide are still enjoying fee free access to online training from lynda.com, and next week, as part of lynda.com events at IU Bloomington and IUPUI, you can:
- Attend a workshop on how you can incorporate lynda.com content into your academic course delivery
- Participate in a presentation on how you can get the most out of your lynda learning experience
- Speak with lynda.com's usability experts about your favorite features and areas you think can be improved
- Learn about key features and best practices for using lynda's online training library
Lynda.com representatives will be available to speak with at the following times:
- Wednesday, Feb. 29, from 12 to 5 pm in the Wells Library lobby (IU Bloomington)
- Thursday, Mar. 1, from 9 am to Noon in the Campus Center lobby (IUPUI)
In addition, as part of these events, IU faculty and UITS IT Training staff will be teaming up to present a special session titled “Integrate lynda.com Content into your Academic Course” on both days. In this presentation you will learn why you might want to integrate lynda.com content into your academic course and get ideas for a number of different ways you can do it. Additionally, lynda representative Jen Jortner will be presenting “Tips and Tricks for Using lynda.com” online and in-person at IUPUI. Take this session to learn how you can get the most out of your lynda.com learning experience.
Registration for both sessions is free. You can read descriptions, dates and times of all of these sessions and register online at:
Questions? Contact UITS IT Training. IU Bloomington: ittraining@indiana.edu or (812) 855-7383 IUPUI: ittraining@iupui.edu or (317) 274-7383
NSF Data Policies
Wednesday, February 29 | online via Adobe Connect | 12 - 1 p.m. Register » | Presenter: Heather Coates
This online webinar will provide a very brief introduction to National Science Foundation (NSF) policies on data management and sharing. Attendees will learn about the resources available at IUPUI that can 1) help them meet the Data Management Plan requirement, and 2) facilitate data sharing and re-use. At least 15 minutes will be provided for Q&A. Anyone interested in or planning to apply for NSF funding should attend.
NOTE: This workshop will be held online using Adobe Connect. You will need working speakers to hear the presenter. It is strongly recommended that you have a high-speed Internet connection to participate in this session. Registered participants will receive an email with instructions for viewing and a link to the Adobe Connect meeting room a day or two before the event.
Teaching@IUPUI: Developing Effective Exams That Demand Higher-Order Cognitive Abilities
Thursday, March 1 | online via Adobe Connect | 12 - 1 p.m. Register » | Presenter: Howard Mzumara, Director of Testing Center
This session will focus on basic principles of test construction and will provide participants with some guidelines and techniques for writing valid test items that demand higher-order cognitive abilities. Test formats covered will include multiple-choice and matching.
For more information, contact Howard Mzumara at 278-2214 or email hmzumara@iupui.edu
This webinar is part of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s online workshop series, Teaching@IUPUI. Tailored for faculty new to IUPUI, each online workshop serves as a forum to learn new strategies and hone teaching practices. Grounded in current research, these workshops address various teaching topics and provide participants with strategies that can make instruction more effective and efficient as well as introduce participants to teaching and learning resources available on campus.
NOTE: The Teaching@IUPUI workshop series is held online using Adobe Connect. You will need working speakers to hear the presenter. It is strongly recommended that you have a high-speed Internet connection to participate in this session. Registered participants will receive an email with instructions for viewing and a link to the Adobe Connect meeting room a day or two before the event.
Delivering Engaging Lectures with Clickers
Thursday, March 8 | UL 1125M | 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Register » | Presenters: Erich Bauer & Jennifer Beasley
Research indicates that students perform better when they are actively engaged in the classroom. This workshop will describe how to employ Student Response Systems (SRS) such as clickers that not only promote active learning but help instructors gain critical feedback about student learning. In this informative session, participants will be introduced to Turning Technologies and TurningPoint, the student response system supported by Indiana University.
During this hands-on session participants will have the opportunity to work within the SRS software, including building basic slides, facilitating presentations, generating reports, and incorporating best practices.
Online Teaching Fundamentals
Tuesday, March 13 | UL 1126 | 1 - 5 p.m. Register » | Presenters: Tom Janke and Barbara Albee
Are you new to teaching online or planning to make the transition to teaching online? If so, consider attending this half-day workshop. Participants will learn approaches for designing online/hybrid courses and investigate online learning activities, web-based presentation options, and methods for assessing student learning. Finally, a panel of experienced online teaching faculty will be available to answer questions about teaching online.
Adobe Presenter
Wednesday, March 14 | UL 1130 | 1 - 3 p.m. Register » | Presenter: Erich Bauer
See how a PowerPoint presentation can be turned into an interactive Flash video to be delivered dynamically over the web. Beyond simply an instructor narrated PowerPoint, this web-optimized presentation tool allows learners to replay portions, select individual slides, search for specific text or take self-assessment quizzes. During this hands-on workshop, participants will be guided through the planning, creation and publishing process. This introductory session will give you all the tools needed to start creating your own engaging online presentations using Adobe Presenter.
Web Content Delivery
Wednesday, March 14 | UL 1130 | 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Register » | Presenters: Tom Janke and Brian Krohn
Explore various ways for delivering content line with tools such as Google Sites, Oncourse Modules, Softchalk, etc.
Learning Activities
Thursday, March 15 | UL 1130 | 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Register » | Presenter: Lorie Shuck
Discover learning activities you can search for or create new for your online course. This workshop is the third of four hands-on workshops designed to allow participants to experiment with a variety of technology which can be used to support online learning. The sessions will cover a range of topics including learning how to deliver web-based content online, how to create dynamic online presentations with Adobe Presenter, how to create online learning activities and how to facilitate web conferencing with Adobe Connect. Keep in mind that due to limited capacity, we will have to cap session attendance, so sign up early. You can sign up for as many sessions as you like, but please register separately for each one you want to attend.
Web Conferencing
Thursday, March 15 | UL 1126 | 1 - 3 p.m. Register » | Presenter: Randy Newbrough
Acquire the skills you need to facilitate an online web-conference by using Adobe Connect.This workshop is the fourth of four hands-on workshops designed to allow participants to experiment with a variety of technology which can be used to support online learning. The sessions will cover a range of topics including learning how to deliver web-based content online, how to create dynamic online presentations with Adobe Presenter, how to create online learning activities and how to facilitate web conferencing with Adobe Connect. Keep in mind that due to limited capacity, we will have to cap session attendance, so sign up early. You can sign up for as many sessions as you like, but please register separately for each one you want to attend.
Call for PRAC Grant Proposals
Submission deadline is Friday, March 2.
The Program Review and Assessment Committee (PRAC)* invites individuals or groups to submit proposals for initiatives that support:
- the continued development of school/department assessment plans that focus on enhancing student learning and/or
- assessment of program effectiveness in connection with preparing the self-study for program review.
We are especially interested in strategies that are consistent with IUPUI's Principles of Undergraduate Learning and that integrate assessment of generic knowledge and skills with assessment in the major. Budgets for the proposed work should not exceed $2500. Please contact a PRAC member in your school for consultation in the proposal development process.
For complete proposal guidelines see http://www.planning.iupui.edu/45.html. The deadline for spring grants is Friday, March 2, 2012.
* The IUPUI Program Review and Assessment Committee (PRAC) establishes guidelines for comprehensive program review of academic and administrative units and provides guidance for student outcomes assessment throughout the institution. This committee funds grants that promise innovative approaches or improved practice in assessment and/or program review.
How-to Create Digital Stories
Friday, March 16 | UL 1125M | 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Register » | Presenter: Kristin Norris & Tom Janke
The purpose of this session is to guide you through how to create a Digital Story from start to finish using free online software. Session participants should have a general understanding of what Digital Stories are so that we can focus on the technical aspects of what makes for a good digital story, guide you to resources and materials freely available, and assist in the production process.
If possible, please bring a laptop, some photos (3-5), an MP3 of your favorite song (optional), and headsets with a built in microphone (if you have access to them). We will do our best to supply whatever you do not have.