2012 Curriculum Enhancement Grant Request for Proposals
The 2012 Curriculum Enhancement Grant (CEG) Guidelines and Application is now available. The purpose of the CEG initiative is to provide faculty with support, time, and resources to implement projects designed to improve student learning and success at IUPUI and IUPU Columbus. In addition, it is expected that the grants will increase faculty competitiveness for external educational or curricular improvement grants and increase the number of faculty involved in pursuing the scholarship of teaching and learning. Individual faculty members can apply for up to $5,000. Teams of three or more faculty working on three or more courses can apply for a maximum of $15,000 per proposal. The grants are open to IUPUI and IUPU Columbus full-time faculty.
The deadline for proposal submissions is this Friday, January 13, 2012.
More on the CEG initiative at http://ctl.iupui.edu/Programs/CEG.asp
Oncourse Essentials
Wednesday, January 11 - Online - 2 - 3:30 p.m Register » | Presenter: Mark Alexander
Designed to have you up and running quickly with Oncourse, this online workshop will focus on the most commonly used tools in Oncourse. Participants will have the opportunity to work with the following tools: course email, syllabus, resources, announcements and gradebook. Bring a digital copy of your syllabus to get the most out of this session.
This workshop is held online in an Adobe Connect meeting room. The meeting room's address will be sent to workshop registrants a day or two before the workshop. You will need a high speed internet connection and a computer with working speakers. Use at least a 1024x768 monitor screen resolution for the best viewing experience.
Super Bowl Teaching Support Strategies
Thursday, January 12 - UL 1125M -12 - 1:30 p.m Register » | Presenter: Tom Janke
Tuesday, January 17 - UL 1125M -12 - 1:30 p.m Register » | Presenter: Mark Alexander
Wednesday, January 18 - Adobe Connect Meeting Room Online -2 - 3:30 p.m Register » | Presenter: Randy Newbrough
Monday, January 30 - Adobe Connect Meeting Room Online - 10 - 11:30 a.m Register » | Presenter: Lorie Shuck
Because Indianapolis is hosting the 2012 Super Bowl, campus access may be hindered for students and faculty in the days leading up to and immediately after the game. During this period, some faculty may want to consider alternate methods to keep teaching in that event that students and faculty cannot travel to campus.
The Center for Teaching and Learning is hosting a series of workshops designed to have faculty up and running with real-time web conferencing and other presentation delivery options. The workshops will focus on Adobe Connect and Adobe Presenter. Participants should request an Adobe Connect account prior to the workshop.
You can request an IU Adobe Connect account from http://www.indiana.edu/~breeze/
BOTT: Gradebook
Thursday, January 19 - Adobe Connect Meeting Room Online -12 - 12:45 p.m Register » | Presenter: Erich Bauer
Today’s students are beginning to expect to have up-to-date access to information regarding their grades. In this workshop we will go over the basics of gradebook creation in Oncourse. At the conclusion of the workshop, attendees will have an opportunity to receive individual support. This session will be held online via Adobe Connect. The virtual workshop room URL will be emailed to participants ahead of time. Attendees will need a reliable internet connection and a web browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. No other software is required.
The B.O.T.T. series workshops are designed to introduce you to one instructional technology topic. B.O.T.T. workshops are 30 to 45 minutes long and are held online in an Adobe Connect meeting room. The meeting room's address will be sent to workshop registrants a day or two before the workshop. To participate in a B.O.T.T. series workshop, you will need a high speed internet connection and a computer with working speakers. You are encouraged to use at least a 1024x768 monitor screen resolution.
Taking Stock of What Course Evaluations Measure
Tuesday, January 24 - UL 1116 - 12:30 - 4:30 p.m Register » | Presenters: Jacqueline Singh, Randi Stocker, and Ingrid Ritchie Organizer: Jacqueline Singh
Document analysis is useful in all types of evaluation. It is an inductive approach that higher education can leverage to gather facts. This inductive method breaks text into manageable categories that are coded and labeled to establish the existence and frequency of concepts and criteria (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). Document analysis is open to multiple interpretations, but at the same time, it identifies patterns that might be missed if we didn’t take stock of what’s implemented, how it’s assessed, or evaluated. For example, does an end-of-course evaluation instrument align with the course’s design and delivery (e.g. face-to-face, hybrid, online)? Does it reflect that which faculty and administrators value and care about most (e.g. student engagement, learning outcomes, institution’s mission, etc.)? For what purpose(s) is the instrument used? What dimensions of teaching effectiveness are being measured? Is a coherent evaluation design evident? These are important evaluation questions to ask, because a common assumption is that “what gets measured is valued.”
This half-day workshop extends the practical application of document analysis into higher education at the course level unit of analysis. Workshop attendees will learn about its coupling with a known evaluation model—and, an alignment framework—to systematically examine and make explicit what a course evaluation instrument attempts to measure. The alignment framework, guided by Donald L. Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels evaluation model, addresses formative and summative evaluation; Principles of Undergraduate Learning (PULs); A.W. Chickering and Z. F. Gamson’s Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education; and, open coding (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). Participants will actively engage in a seven-step method to examine a course evaluation instrument and consider fundamental descriptive and normative questions about:
- a) purpose(s) of an evaluation instrument
- b) measurement foci
- c) concepts and criteria captured by evaluation instruments
- d) measurement of student learning outcomes
- e) the use of evaluation instruments.
At the conclusion of this workshop, attendees will be able to use the 7-Step Method and concepts introduced to assist with the(re)design of an evaluation instrument so that it aligns with its intended purpose(s) and/or use(s).
Oncourse: Tests and Surveys
Wednesday, January 25 - UL 1125M - 10 - 12 p.m Register » | Presenter: Lorie Shuck
Discover how to deliver rich online assessments with the new Oncourse Testing tool. Participants will learn how to create question pools, import questions in bulk from text documents, import tests from the old Oncourse test tool, reduce the risk of academic dishonesty and more using the new Test tool. This is a hands-on workshop and participants are encouraged to bring digital versions of or have access to their existing assessments for experimentation.
CTL Online Teaching Modules
Teaching a face-to-face class is challenging, and teaching online can be all the more so. Understandably, topics related to online teaching are common consultation and workshop requests for staff at the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). Sometimes distance and scheduling issues make it difficult for faculty to attend workshops or consultations. To make information more readily available, the CTL has developed a series of online modules focused on online teaching. Faculty can now access this content whenever they want and as often they want via their computer. The modules are located in an Oncourse site that can be joined by anyone with an IU username. The online teaching modules cover the following topics:
• Course Organization and Planning • Content Delivery • Learning Activities • Assessment
Faculty can progress at their own pace and have the freedom to choose only the topics they wish. The modules are in a narrated slide show format and were prepared using Adobe Presenter (please make sure the latest version of Flash is installed before viewing the modules). To join the site, follow these instructions , using the search term, CTL Online Teaching .
Redesigned CTL Resources Space The CTL has updated the CTL Resources space on our website (http://ctl.iupui.edu). This renovation has resulted in a high quality collection of teaching and learning resources that cover topics such as teaching strategies, documenting your teaching, to using clickers in the classroom and many more. A main goal of the redesign was to make it easier for faculty to search and find the resources that they find most valuable. We also know that people use different types of devices to access the web and wanted our content to be easily read on a variety of devices. To these ends, we believe that you will find our new resources web space:
• web-friendly (no downloading required), • easy to print, • easy to search, and • mobile device friendly.
We invite you to explore the new space and let us know what you think. If we are missing an important topic from our collection, let us know. We'd be happy to add it. Please offer suggestions by sending an email to thectl@iupui.edu. You can find the Resource space at ctl.iupui.edu on the main navigation bar (see image below) or you can access it directly here.

BiCCHEC Community-Based Pilot Research Grants for Students
Submission deadline February 15th, 5:00 pm.
The objective of the BiCCHEC community-based pilot research grant for students is to foster and encourage collaborations between IUPUI researchers and community partners and to promote projects that have the potential to develop into larger externally funded research programs or generate scholarly products. Proposed projects must have participation by one (or more) student and a community partner. IUPUI (including IUSM, IUSD and IUSON) graduate and undergraduate students are eligible to apply.
See competition guidelines to review detailed criteria: http://www.iusd.iupui.edu/BICCHEC_Site/Student_Projects.aspx
Questions? Contact BiCCHEC’ s program manager. Email: majricha@iupui.edu or call: (317) 274-5431
Faculty and Staff: Take Workshops Free this Spring
For the spring 2012 semester, you can register for UITS IT Training workshops at no charge, thanks to a pilot program designed to assess faculty and staff interest in free workshops.
The spring workshop schedule is now online. Be sure to sign up as soon as possible (popular workshops fill quickly) at: http://ittraining.iu.edu
Need a specially scheduled workshop for your department or faculty/staff group of 10 or more? Would you like to have us teach IT skills to your students, so you can concentrate on the bigger picture? Request sessions at no charge: http://ittraining.iu.edu/request
Note: The multi-day UITS EdCert courses will still be fee-based.
Questions? Contact UITS IT Training office at IUPUI. Email: ittraining@iupui.edu or call: (317) 274-7383M