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our website
better. Please help us by completing a
brief survey.
FLAGS System Design Review
Friday, July 27, 2012 | UL 1125M | 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Register» | Organizer: Tom Janke | Presenter: Jim Muray, University Student Services and Systems
In this session, IUPUI faculty will have an opportunity to see the new IU student performance early alert system demonstrated. Jim Murray from University Students Services and Systems will be on hand to answer questions and engage faculty in a design review of the system. Register early---seating is limited.
Integrating the Common Theme: Sharing Ideas
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 | UL 2120 | 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Register» | Organizer: Kathleen Hanna and Sarah Lang | Presenter: Erina Ludwig
At this workshop, we will continue discussing our current Common Theme, "Change Your World: The Power of New Ideas," with an emphasis on this year's books, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, plus six supporting titles.
Our special guest will be Erina Ludwig, author of Unnoticed Neighbors: A Pilgrimage into the Social Justice Story.
Faculty attending this workshop will learn about the many resources available to help integrate the Common Theme into syllabi, as well as share the social entrepreneurship activities they have developed for their courses. This workshop will rely heavily on audience participation, so please be prepared to share, discuss, and ask questions. You can learn more about the Common Theme at the Common Theme Website.
Fall 2012 Associate Faculty Forum
Tuesday, August 14, 2012 | UL 1125 | 5 - 8 p.m. Register» | Presenters: IUPUI Faculty and CTL Staff | Organizer: Jennifer Beasley
We welcome faculty with part-time appointments to join us for an evening of discovery, reflection, and learning. You'll find something for you, whether you have taught before or are new to the classroom.
The evening’s interactive sessions will cover a variety of teaching topics, and you will find something new, exciting, and useful. Topics will include: basics of using Oncourse; advanced functions of Oncourse; how to use IUPUI classroom technology; creating an effective syllabus; and grading strategies. There will also be a welcome session and overview of some IUPUI academic policies and procedures.
Representatives from various IUPUI departments and offices will be on hand to provide information on resources available for you and your students.
Schedule of Events 5-5:30pm Registration and Resource Fair 5:30-6:15pm Welcome and IUPUI academic policies and procedures overview 6:25-7:10pm Concurrent Session II 7:15-8pm Concurrent Session II
Professional Development for Teaching Assistants Orientation
Thursday, August 16, 2012 | UL 1126 | 9:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Register» | Presenters: IUPUI Faculty and CTL Staff | Organizers: Jennifer Beasley & Sarah Lang
The CTL and the IUPUI Graduate Office welcome graduate students with teaching responsibilities to join us for a morning of discovery, reflection, and learning. You'll find something for you, whether you have taught before or are new to the classroom. The interactive sessions will cover a variety of teaching topics, and you will find something new, exciting, and useful. Topics will include:
- First Day and Preparing for a Class Session
- First Day and Preparing for a Lab Session
- Engaging and Motivating Students
- Basics of Oncourse
There will also be a welcome session and overview of some IUPUI academic policies and procedures and related to student academic appointments. Representatives from various IUPUI departments and offices will be on hand to provide information on resources available for you and your students.
Schedule for the day:
Registration 9:45-10am Welcome and Overview of Policies 10-10:30am Concurrent Session I 10:40-11:30am
- First Day and Preparing a Class session
- First Day and Preparing a Lab Session
Concurrent Session II 11:40-12:30pm
- Basics of Oncourse
- Simple Ways to Engage and Motivate Students
Orientation for New Deans and Associate Deans
Friday, July 27, 2012 | Campus Center 307 | 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Register» | Presenter: Gail Williamson, Faculty Affairs and Advancement
This program provides new deans and associate deans with critical information about IUPUI, their roles and responsibilities as campus leaders and resources to support their work.
Deadline Approaching for American English for Internationals Course
The early registration deadline for the next American English for Internationals course is July 30, 2012.
If you have an interest in attending please register here.
Your registration is not complete till you send in the registration fees as directed in the email received after pre- registration on the website.
For more info call 962-2275 or email pkhurana@iupui.edu
New Chairs Orientation
Friday, August 10, 2012 | Campus Center 268 | 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Register» | Presenter: Gail Williamson, Faculty Affairs and Advancement
The goal of this program is to begin a conversation about the roles and responsibilities of department chairs at IUPUI as well as to provide advice, guidance and resources to enable success.
New Faculty Welcome
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 | Fairbanks Hall Rooms 1109/1111 | 1 - 4:30 p.m. Register» | Organizers: New Faculty Welcome Committee
The New Faculty Welcome includes addresses by Chancellor Charles Bantz and Executive Vice-Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer Nasser Paydar. This event is an opportunity for new faculty to learn about what it takes to thrive at IUPUI from campus leaders. Our intention is to engage you in conversation on the most important aspects of your work at IUPUI - research, teaching, and service.
IU Kokomo Statewide Faculty Conference 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012 | 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Register and for more information»
Program overview»
The Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CTLA) is pleased to present our fourth IU Kokomo Faculty Conference this fall. Resident and Adjunct Indiana University Faculty will share their innovative teaching ideas for promoting student learning and engagement in their classes. This event presents and celebrates some of the important work in teaching that IU faculty members are engaged in. Registration is open for the fall IU Kokomo Faculty Conference! Hear about the examples of academic excellence used by Indiana University faculty from multiple campuses. Registration deadline is Monday, August 27 at noon.