Enhancing Student Learning with eTexts via Digital Content - Call for Applications- Deadline Extended to Monday, June 18
In the spring 2012 semester a university-wide eText initiative was officially launched, with over 120 course sections and 5000+ students utilizing an eText via the Courseload online learning and collaboration tool. In many cases, use of an eText when compared to traditional printed textbooks resulted in a significant cost savings to the student.
This cost savings was, and is, an important issue. However, the Courseload platform also provides several features (text annotation, highlighting, consolidating/sharing of study notes) that enhance the teaching and learning process, and specifically helps to address the challenges set forth in the university-wide "Empowering People" IT strategic plan (http://ep.iu.edu).
IU should assess whether university and collaboratively owned (or contracted) infrastructure for scholarly communication could also provide a means for lower costs and better materials for the current role of traditional textbooks. If so, this resource should also be engaged to help mitigate the high costs of textbooks.
In conjunction with the stand alone use of Courseload, there is the potential to further engage students in their learning via the development and integration of additional digital content that can be linked from within Courseload. Such content might take a variety of forms, where a faculty member could:
• Write their own content (e.g., a study guide) of which they'd like to make accessible in digital format and in a specific context of an eText; in turn, a link could be established between this content and Oncourse, where additional learning materials might be stored and accessed during a specific point(s) in the course. • Engage the expertise of library staff to help research and consolidate existing digital materials (e.g., journals available through the university library) that are used on a regular basis in the curriculum. Links to such items can be provided in Oncourse. • Develop a multimedia supplement that could be linked from a specific point(s) within an eText. Such multimedia content might consist of, for example, a podcast of a classroom lecture that might be stored in another tool/application but which in turn is also linked to Oncourse.
The use of eTexts is a critical teaching and learning initiative, not just at Indiana University but at institutions across the country (and the world). To that end, we invite applications from faculty interested in the use of eText and digital content to enhance student learning.
Why should I apply? Twenty applicants will be accepted, with each applicant receiving a $1000 stipend for time and development of materials. A total of twenty proposals spanning both IUB and IUPUI will be accepted for this program.
Who may apply? Any full-time faculty and/or lecturer on the IUB or IUPUI campus, who has previously utilized some type of eText in the past, or is now interested in utilizing an eText in their course(s).
Responsibilities of accepted applicants: It is expected that each accepted applicant will develop his or her materials for implementation in their course(s) at some point before the end of the 2012-2013 academic year. Additionally, each accepted applicant will commit to providing regular updates on their progress to their campus teaching center. It is also hoped that accepted applicants will strive to publish findings of their work in a journal respective to their specific disciplines, and/or a more general outlet (e.g., educause) that could speak to their work, especially in regard to its impact on student learning.
NOTE: In order to further encourage the licensing of open content, any new material that is generated by program participants will be governed by a Creative Commons license that allows for open distribution of said material. For more information on these licenses, please see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
Important Dates • June 18, 2012 @ 5:00 PM EDT: Deadline for submission of applications (extended) • June 27, 2012: Successful applicants notified • July 2, 2012: Individual stipend amounts distributed to participating faculty