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Marie E. Brown
- Email:
- meb10@iu.edu
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- Campus Address:
- UL 1125K
Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education
Master of Arts in Education
Weingartner, L., Saner, S., Kendall Brown, M., Twagiramariya, R., & Rabalais, G. (2022, November). Engaging Online Learners in Health Professions Education: A Comparison of Asynchronous Discussion Methods. Academic Medicine, 97(115). Association of American Medical Colleges.
Payette, P., & Kendall Brown, M. (2018, January). Gathering Mid-Semester Feedback: Three Variations to Improve Instruction. IDEA Paper #67. Manhattan, KY. The IDEA Center.
Ralston, P., Tretter, T., & Kendall Brown, M. (2017). Implementing Collaborative Learning across the Engineering Curriculum.Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 17(3), 89-108.
Kendall Brown, M., Ralston, P., Baumgartner, K., & Schreck, M. (2015). Creating a Supportive Teaching Culture in the Research University Context: Strategic Partnering and Interdisciplinary Collaboration between a Teaching Center and an Academic Unit. To Improve the Academy, 34(1-2), 234-269.
Bergom, I., Wright, M.C., Kendall Brown, M., & Brooks, M. (2011). Promoting College Student Development through Collaborative Learning: A Case Study of Hevruta. About Campus, 15(6), 19-25.
King, P.M., Kendall Brown, M., Lindsay, N.K., & VanHecke, J. (2009). Liberal Arts Student Learning Outcomes: An Integrated Approach. About Campus, 12(4), 2-9.
Kendall Brown, M., Hershock, C., Finelli, C., & O’Neal, C. (2009). Teaching for Retention in Science, Engineering, and Math Disciplines: A Guide for Faculty. CRLT Occasional Paper. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.
King, P.M., Kendall Brown, M., Lindsay, N.K., & VanHecke, J.R. (2007). Liberal Arts Student Learning Outcomes: An Integrated Perspective. About Campus, 12(4), 2-9.
Brown, M. (2024, October). From Evidence to Practice: Instructional Theory and Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Invited Guest Lecture. Science Teaching & Learning (GEOL-G690). Indiana University, Indianapolis.
Brown, M. (2023, October). Sociocultural Dimensions of Teaching and Learning. Invited Guest Lecture (3 Class Sessions). Teaching and Learning in the Biomed/Life Sciences (GRDM-T721). Indiana University, Indianapolis.
Kendall Brown, M. (2019, June). Empowering Social Connection and Community in the College Classroom and Beyond. SPACE Conference Keynote Speaker, Atlanta, GA.
Brown, M., & Rao, A. (2024, November 12). Developing a Culture of Care in Teaching through Critical Self-reflection. Presentation at the 49th annual meeting of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education, Chicago, IL.
Brown, M. (2024, October). From Soup to Nuts: Designing University-Wide Events to Kickstart Improvement Efforts. 2024 Assesment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
Boswell, C., & Brown, M. (2023, November). A Holistic Framework for Incorporating JEDI in Your CTL’s Offerings. Pre-Conference Workshop at the annual meeting of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education, Pittsburgh, PA.
Anderson, J. O., & Kendall Brown, M. (2018, November). Supporting Faculty through Active Learning Transformations. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education, Portland, OR.
Baughman, P., Ljaljevic Tucakovic, A., & Kendall Brown, M. (2018, May). What Happens in Science Class, Does Not Stay in Science Class. Presentation at the 2018 Pedagogicon Conference, Richmond, KY.
Kendall Brown, M., & Rodems, M. (2015, May). A Celebration of Scholarly and Creative Teaching. Presentation at the Kentucky Pedagogicon Conference, Richmond, KY.
Fuller, R., & Kendall Brown, M. (2014, May). Feeding the Faculty Soul: Faculty Reading Circles to Stimulate Conversation about Teaching. Presentation at the Kentucky Pedagogicon Conference, Richmond, KY.
Kendall Brown, M., & Ralston, P. (2012, May). Creating Faculty Development Partnerships. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Kentucky Innovations Conference, Erlanger, KY.
Kuhlenschmidt, S., & Kendall Brown, M. (2012, May). Strategies for Improving Your Conference Proposals: Tips from the Trenches. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Kentucky Innovations Conference, Erlanger, KY.
Brown, M. (2024, September). Creating Ground Rules for Positive Classroom Engagement. Inclusive Teaching Toolbox Webinar Series: Navigating Difficult Conversations in the Classroom. Center for Teaching and Learning, IU Indianapolis
Brown, M. (2024, May). Making Sense of Your Spring Semester Student Evaluations of Teaching. Teaching Foundations Webinar. Center for Teaching and Learning, IUPUI.
Brown, M. (2024, March). Learning from the Past, Leading Forward: A Historical Perspective of Key Milestones in American Higher Education. Next Generation 2.0 Presentation. IUPUI Office of Academic Affairs.
Jerolimov, D., & Brown, M. (2023, June). Crafting SMART Objectives. 2nd Annual Faculty Development Program. IUPUI School of Dentistry Workshop.
Kendall Brown, M. (2022, May; 2020, May;). Principles of Course Design. Course Design Institute Presentation.
Kendall Brown, M. (2022, March; 2021, September). Peer Observation Pioner (POP) Spring Training Session. J.B. Speed School of Engineering. Faculty Workshop.
Kendall Brown, M., & Fuselier, L. (2021, November). Documenting Excellent Teaching for Merit and Promotion from the Start. Office of Faculty Affairs. New Faculty Professional Development Workshop.
Kendall Brown, M. (2019, June). A Conversation about Shared Expectations for Clinical Teaching and Learning. Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilition Faculty Retreat Workshop.
Awards & Honors
- Student Champion Award, Office of the President and Office of the Executive Vice President and University Provost, University of Louisville, 2020-21
- Outstanding Performance Award, Office of the President, University of Louisville, 2015
- CSHPE Summer Study Grant, Institute for Social Research, Summer Course in Mixed Methods Research, Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education, University of Michigan, Summer 2006
- Rackham Discretionary Funds Fellowship, Intercultural Communication Institute, IDI Qualifying Seminar, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan, June 2005
- Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship—Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, SPEAC Program in Advanced Japanese, The Ohio State University, Summer 2004
- School of Education Fellowship, Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education, University of Michigan, September 2002-May 2004
- Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship—Japanese Studies, The Ohio State University, Academic Year, September 2001-May 2002
- Francille M. Firebaugh Study Abroad Grant, Office of International Education, The Ohio State University, Egypt Spring Study Tour, Spring 2001
- University Honors Scholar, University of Akron, Honors Thesis Titled: La femme Algérienne d’autrefois, Spring 1997
Job Description
- Provide vision and leadership to carry out the mission of the Center and oversee day-to-day operations, including convening staff meetings, overseeing program and event planning, coordination of staff supervision and performance appraisals, and budget oversight
- Provide operational leadership and coordination of assigned staff members to define educational resources methodologies and standards; provide direction and guidance on high priority educational resources projects/initiatives; assure that inclusive practices permeate all programs and practices
- Prepare management reports and summaries for senior administration, executive, steering and advisory committees; acts as advisor to executive committees; serve on various university committees, communities of practice, and task forces related to educational resources
- Establish short-term goals and long-term operational objectives, including managing project timelines/deliverables and developing resource plans for multi-project/multi-phase educational resources initiatives
- Establish critical strategic and operational goals that enhance student learning and inclusive teaching practices, support student learning and persistence to graduation
- Plan, develop, and coordinate CTL programs and events aligned with the CTL mission and IUPUI strategic plan