Hongqiu Zhao, School of Science
Principal Investigator: Hongqiu Zhao, professor, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, School of Science
Co-principal Investigators: Robert Minto, associate professor, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, School of Science
Project Title: Enhancing Student Learning in Organic Chemistry I Lecture and Lab Through Better Lecture Preparation, Active Learning, Transparent Teaching and Online Assessments with Instant Feeback
Funding Level: $9,796
Organic Chemistry I is one of the most challenging classes in college and lecture preparation is important to student success. Better lecture preparation by students will also give the instructors an opportunity to adopt certain active learning pedagogies in lecture, such as Just-in-Time-Teaching (JiTT) or partially flipped classroom. These active learning components in Organic Chemistry lecture and lab will improve the learning and success rate in Organic Chemistry. The goals of this proposal is to create videos and Canvas assignments that will assist students with lecture/lab preparation. All of the recorded digital videos for selected topics and associated class preparation assignments (CPA) will be accessed through Canvas. This proposal also calls for transitioning from traditional pen-and-paper assessments in C341/C343 toward online assessments, in which instant feedback becomes a possibility. Funds are requested for course release time or summer stipend for the faculty investigators, equipment and resources for production of videos/assessments, and cost associated with the dissemination of the results of the project.