Principal Investigator: Jonathan Rossing, Lecturer, Department of Communication Studies, School of Liberal Arts
Project Title: Learning-Centered Evaluation and Assessment: Framing and Implementing Evaluation Practices to Promote Deep Learning
Funding Level: $4,000
Student evaluation and assessment significantly impact student learning both positively and negatively. Learning-centered evaluation and assessment practices have the potential to increase the level of energy students invest in the learning process, to help students develop strong learning habits that lead to successful educational outcomes, and to inspire students as lifelong learners. Granting students greater control over evaluation and assessment through self- and peer-assessment practices and fostering a sense of responsibility for learning both contribute to a learning-centered environment. Unfortunately, evaluation and assessment practices frequently hinder student learning. Many learning environments emphasize evaluation and assessment for grading purposes only. These environments support regurgitation as students study primarily to pass tests. They take away student control over their learning and fail to motivate student learning. Consequently, typical evaluation and assessment practices negatively impact student learning and work against innovative pedagogies and learning-centered educational strategies. This project seeks to promote deep learning by positioning student learning as the primary goal of evaluation and assessment. Specifically, this project reframes evaluation and assessment as learning-centered processes and creates a point-based learning opportunity system to support and enact learning-centered evaluation and assessment. The project aims to grant students greater control over and responsibility for learning and to share assessment responsibilities in order to help students develop learning skills and make informed decisions about their learning outcomes.